General Discussion

General DiscussionSooo I went roaming QOP

Sooo I went roaming QOP in General Discussion

    Ive seen it on only way to play by EDJE on youtube and the way he sold it sounded so appealing. Basically I picked early and they tried so hard to counter me, in the end my team ended up countering them and we won. My cores didnt care about the silences they drafted. And I harassed really well early on. I ended up with items like blademail and atos. Which actually made me feel tankier than core QOP with more farm. Idk its something that worked. I want to know if anyone else has similar stories. Or if anyone else has done this.


      Have you tried roaming spirit-breaker? I heard that's pretty good.


        ^my last game in fact and I agree. And your sarcasm is not lost on me. It was just nice that the enemy drafted bloodseeker and silencer to counter a support. And I ended up not having to be the main damage dealer. I could actually go to the back of the fights and burst their squishies after the fight starts. And the harass is pretty good in the laning phase. Idk its something I tried and I might try again.

        Président® Salted Butter

          It works pretty damn well as long as you ain't pos 5


            Had a few roaming QOPs in my games and they did more than fine as pos 4. Can't remember what their build was tho.

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Yeah makes sense
              A long blink and slow, very reliable gank
              One thing tho, both nukes are not gonna scale


                Yeah the nuke thing not scaling is an issue, but I managed to get atos, blademail, which detered them from hitting me. (There was also a cheeky play where I got bloodseeker really low and he ended up diying when he ruptured me and i blademailed than blinked as far as I could lol, core for support) And I thought about a euls, didnt really need it though cause we ended so fast. I just felt tankier with 2 bracers building up to the as opposed to 2 nulls, and I do almost the same damage.

                69 god

                  Nothing to brag about. But we've tried pos 4 PA and pos 5 qop. Orb of venom and blight stone on pa and qop's dagger slow. Venge as the carry. It really worked awesome. Average mmr was 3k though.


                    most heroes can fit any role. hell even medusa with boots can probably pull off a semi-decent roam.

                    OP's question is like asking if you can shit facing backwards on a toilet. yes you probably can, but there's a better way to do it.


                      Pooping backward on a toilet is great. You can rest your elbows on a cistern. Read a book there, eat a bowl of cheerios. Granted your pants have to be conpleteley off to do that. Its a pre shower shit. It was just anexperiment that worked out and felt right (im talking about core QOP and backwards poop)

                      Mode : TOPSON

                        Hmm i don't know but es is good roamer :thinking:


                          Pooping backward and roaming qop worked out.

                          Next try sticking your dick in a bee hive. Who knows maybe that'll work out too. You'll never know till you try.


                            really??? u need to see singsing casual boots venom roaming for all heroes

                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              About the first comment, isn't that is his go-to role?