General Discussion

General DiscussionWhats the real difference?

Whats the real difference? in General Discussion

    Hello guys
    I want to open a topic for discuss about something i think everyone holded up for more than a minute , im sure.
    Whats the real difference from a professional player and a very high skilled player?6k vs 8k?
    Whats the real difference between a 5k and a 6k?
    4k vs 5k? 3k vs 4k?and go on...
    I have think about this for improving my quality,and at begin it is really hard to find some real big differences, this becouse aren't big difference that make a player better than another one.
    If you take a game like starcraft ,RealTimeStrategy ,difference is flashing , if you dont see it you are blind.
    But in MultyOnlineBattleArena these difference are more hidden and obscured by the more casual nature of the game,at least apparently.
    There is a mechanical aspect of the game that is clear, last hitting, deniyng,farming ,stacking ,pulling,creep aggro, apm,multitasking and group controls .
    Im pretty sure every 5k is a master of mechanics same as a pro.
    So where is the difference?

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      what is the difference between a toddler, a kindergartener, a middleschooler, a highschooler, a college student and a PhD?


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        The age. Cookie........pls...


          I agree that understanding the mechanics of the game may be an easy step, but the interaction with the meta and this mechanics are not that easy. Also, the best players in the world may have close skill in their roles/heroes, but some of them are much smarter and fast minded than others. In some games that one team may seem desperate when losing, others stay calm and analyse the best situation to come up.

          I believe the difference that puts someone in the professional scene and others dont is smartness, resilience and opportunity. Some great teams fall because they were lacking the first 2 ones, and some awesome players may never got there because of the latter.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            A lot of factors. Normally a 6k would be better than a 5k in every aspect of the game, but its not always true. Like, if you made faker play dota for a week, he would probably be around 2k but he would still have godly reaction times and mechanical skill, BUT because his game knowledge and sense is still horrible he would only be 2k. High mmr players have better understanding of the game and know what to do to win a game.


              *the age*
              The knowledge*


                Knowledge and ability to use said knowledge.


                  From my experience 4ks are better than 3ks mechanically and 5ks are better than 4ks when it comes to farming efficiently and being more consistent. When it comes to game sense the level is pretty retarded at all these mmrs, but still there's a big difference between 5ks and 3ks.


                    What i learn from what you guys are sayng the difference from a 6k and a professional player is :
                    The ability to never fall on emotions and find always the right way for win a game?
                    This seems poor to me...
                    I feel we are missing something...


                      Besides the resilience to stay calm in the right moment, but he would also needs a lot of knowledge and experience to make the correct play, not talking about teamplay sinergy that is other extremely important point. Its the combination of the factors that can turn a 6-8k player into a professional player.


                        for example, Kuroky was very calm in almost all the games in this TI, he could think about strategies, communicate well, lead the team and also had some good moves, besides being smart enough to make the best drafts against each team style

                        Mode : TOPSON

                          First time i Saw someone using this phrase "i feel we are missing something"


                            I'm probably one of the weakest 6500+ mmr (mechanically speaking) -I can probably fix that by playing much more ^^-.

                            Yet the game plan // item build // skill build of those 6k are sooooooo horribly wrong that i don't even need to be good mechanically speaking -nor do i even need to predict anything my opponent will do, lead the team, do flashy play or communicate by more than by few pings/alt clicks-.

                            That's a very narrow sight on what skill are needed to be good at this game (there's obviously much more than what i just wrote), but being good at some of them is more than enough to climb up to 6k.


                              @matrice that's interesting!
                              So basically you are sayng at 6k people are still casual players on ranked??
                              As i knew this thread is getting interesting...

                              Potato Marshal

                                Only difference is your ability to increase the chances of you winning games. Which is why you have some people with 5+ KDAs on their best heroes stuck in 2k or below, and people like me who can't farm for shit, with abysmal KDA, GPM, XPM, terrible hotkey placement, and inability to even play half the heroes can reach 5k.