General Discussion

General Discussion7.07 ARCANA DESIGN LEAKED!

7.07 ARCANA DESIGN LEAKED! in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    Actually guys, how long overdue has the new patch been?

    The DarKNovA

      They didn't give us an actual date, but they did say on the exacth same 18th of last month, that they're be releasing it in "about one month".
      Obviously, that didn't mean they're actually gonna be on time.


        There was interview with EG ceo, he said patch will be in 4 weeks. Interview was made like week ago


          There was interview with EG ceo, he said patch will be in 4 weeks. Interview was made like week ago

          Potato Marshal

            I'm still waiting for the Witch Doctor with glock and Capri-sun arcana to be released.

            The DarKNovA

              If it is indeed still 3 weeks from now, I can say that I want to introduce them to my middle finger.
