General Discussion

General Discussioncan u help me predict what's the MMR outcome for my account . . .

can u help me predict what's the MMR outcome for my account . . . in General Discussion

    its been a strive for me and soon my calibrate starts, can u give me an idea what's the mmr gonna be for this account . . thank you so much and if you can give pieces of advice guys on how to improve more.


      Probably 1-2k.

      Hit more creeps to get better.

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        ^damnit man threads like these should just be ignored or shitposted

        Pale Mannie

          off to the Megathread with you attention wh0re


            You will be definitely 3k mate, you are in VHS Bracket so around 3400+


              Not enough. Create another account and try again.