General Discussion

General DiscussionExplain sf to me please

Explain sf to me please in General Discussion
one-man bukakke

    Tried it like two times. I dont really like the hero because how ppl in 2k tend to play it but now somewhat i understand why they do not join tf or why as sf you stomp your lane or get utterly reck.

    Just want to know what is the core concept of the hero.


      The Core COncept of the hero is mainly consistant of 2 things. #1 DONT DIE. #2 FARM FAST. Typically a SF is supposed to Stay away from risky fights and Gain gold for the team in the form of objectives. After he hits a Large item he joins the Teamfights and rolls them.

      < blank >

        What the other guy said.

        But now you got roamers which will make you die and SF cant farm fast with the stacking magic resistance in the jungle camps


          sf feels weak
          he can rekt lane and still feel useless cuz he is squishy, requires farm, and doesnt deal well with many enemies jumping in his face
          even when ahead he requires good positioning not to die
          basically u get ur sb, u farm a lot, go for pickoffs on out of position heroes, push towers, but otherwise try to avoid huge fights where u risk dying

          lone dog

            Sf is super good in 3k imo.
            People run into your razes and can't cs so you become a huge threat in the lane pretty quickly. Plus everyone runs to the jungle as soon as the laning stage is over so you just get sb and start hunting people and farm in between. Of course you need to manage your time since you also need to be looking for towers when you have the opportunity. The only issue is sf has trouble 1v5 against many stuns and in 3k for whatever reason people defend towers like their life depends on it, but thinking pushing means hitting neutrals. So when going for t2/3s you need to be sure to position yourself appropriately and except a response when you do so. The good thing though is that in the event you fall behind because of a mistake you made (which should not happen in the first place), you can just patiently farm back your advantage with your farming capability as your towers will never be pressured in the mid game.

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            chicken spook,,,,

              ^pretty much

              one-man bukakke

                Thanks for the answers!!

                Shit is pretty clear to me now.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Some more advice when playing sf (or any ganking + splitpushing hero) in 3k - if your supports are too dumb to ward the enemy jungle to spot rotations/farming cores, buy the wards yourself. Two wards for two parts of the enemy jungle cost 120 total and are not going to be dewarded since you can smoke/sb into the jungle to put them down and you do this after the laning stage when you get the opportunity to do it (say, at about 12 minutes would be an alright time to do this) and it is still too early for the enemy to assume their jungles are warded and I repeat, they will NEVER deward it.

                  This will basically make your split pushing way safer as you take out T1s, as well as give you crucial information for pickoffs on the enemy cores. They absolutely won't assume their jungle is warded, they'll think they are unlucky that you stumbled upon them in their jungle.

                  Oh and one more thing, people in 3k tend to leave their towers during the laning stage if they are bullied out of lane so they are forced to rotate to get something out of it. You can literally take the tower with the first catapult wave if your lane goes well enough. You can also time your kill on the enemy mid with the catapult wave, so that it takes some time for him to respawn while you do significant damage to the tower. But this is a winning scenario and you can't and shouldn't count on this, just make sure you use this opportunity. Sometimes waiting half a minute to kill the enemy you can kill right now is worth it (longer respawn timer + he can't defend his tower if he's dead).

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