General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker Laning Phase and Laning Tips?

Invoker Laning Phase and Laning Tips? in General Discussion

    Hey guys, I've realised recently that my Invoker tends to have terrible early games due to undercsing and such so I was wondering whether anyone could give me any tips and knowledge on how to play Voker in the early game


      Sup man hope everythings good, We are quite smiliar MMR but its all about Mid in this current Meta and invoker doesnt reall dominate till later unless you are aggressive with spells. But I think voker players concentrate on farming too much and not doing enough on the map, Voker is seriously strong early if played correctly.

      Think about it you get free farm mid while other mid goes and kills the other members on your team stopping farm and gaining it. Sun striking just isnt enough anymore unless you have a very good roamer which is allowing you to stay mid and take mid tower quickly.

      Invoker in my eyes is one of the easiest heros to CS with, so potentially focus more on LH than harrasing until you are comfortable with kill potential?

      I dont play voker much so cant give you many hinters but yes early CS is massive and without watching a replay of your current play, I cant give you much to work with.


        watch sumiya or miracle play invoker you will learn a lot :)


          by not rushing midas.
          if u want good early game buy early game like 2 null talisman - aquila - magic wand- phase/powerthread
          i think that item is 100% better rather than midas if u have trouble in early games


            aquila and upgraded boot on invoker is overkill, almost no skilled invoker player does it.

            just get the double null or a null+basil with wand and brown boots, you dont want to delay aghanim too much (miracle gets like drums before agha in a proper timing coz hes a god tho).

            cant give other advice, i just use alacrity-coldsnap to solo-kill 3k plebs in lane what do i know.

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              stay in the trees and sunstrike kappa