General Discussion

General DiscussionMy experience playing tonight

My experience playing tonight in General Discussion

    Thought I might try to get back into Dota. What a fucking mistake that was.

    First game complete stomp of us. Whatever, after almost 8 months away from Dota you don't care so much about losses.

    Second game a bit dicey, didn't do so well because of the large amount of magic damage/stuns etc. My main role was to provide a drow aura. No communication from anyone outside the guy I was queueing with.

    Third game, holy fuck. Really wanted a win so I picked Zeus who previously was one of my most reliable heroes. Team line up sucked fucking balls while the enemy team had heaps of initiation and lockdown. Our fucking 'support' venomancer barely bought wards until I started buying them. Final guy last picks a carry void and says he will build maelstrom to counter PL instead of picking a sven like I suggested, which would have worked much better (given our lack of void comboing heroes). Again no coordination (apart from when I organised smokes) just a bunch of people running around getting outfarmed until our eventual loss. That one left me pretty salty.

    Final game of the night. This chump - - who I was unlucky enough to get in my game had his nominated invoker on the minimap. As the final pick he then promptly picked Winter Wyvern. The enemy mid? Storm Spirit. No fucking way was I allowed to let a guy who has only played winter wyvern twice, one of which was yesterday which he lost and went 2-13-2 allow a storm spirit to start snowballing off him.

    Any way as soon as I told him I wasn't letting him go mid with wyvern against storm spirit he abandoned before the start of game. Luckily at least that one doesn't count against my stats but holy fuck this game and the people who play it are infuriating. I've gone from not minding a loss at the first game to wanting to quit this game forever by the end of the 4th in one night.

    1st class tourist

      R u the hanter of 3k


        Unlucky my friend.


          lmao tough luck


            Hantee of 3k cracked me up . ^^^

