General Discussion

General DiscussionUnable to connect to the server. Started few days ago.

Unable to connect to the server. Started few days ago. in General Discussion
    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    Riguma Borusu

      check DNS settings?



        It's all on auto, I'll try to reset everything

        Riguma Borusu

          Just use google's DNS, in order to rule this issue out.


            stp pricae engleski

            btw rpq jebem ti mamu mrtvu kopile malo


              Restarted everything, pinged Google, works fine now.

              Thanks RPQ

              Riguma Borusu

                Because people having similar problems might read this and figure something out. Small chance, though.

                Majka mi je živa al stara je tako da ne znam da li preporučujem, mogu je pitati, šta znam. Takođe tačno je da sam kopile, devedesetih moji nisu imali para za kondome i rodio se ja jbg jedina osoba koja me je želela manje od mojih roditelja sam ja sam.

                @Vert: NP, I had this exact problem after I reinstalled windows, so I remembered.

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