General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter these heroes?

How to counter these heroes? in General Discussion
Friendly player

    The game is shit when i last pick lc or some random bullshit, so can someone guide me how to pick properly? And what heroes can kill viper, spirit breaker alone?

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    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      By coordinating a lineup that can play around those picks while still being overall good together and with a reasonable game plan that is reasonable to execute

      So against sb focus on a lineup that can provide visions and that isn't easily exploitable by his charge, generally with heroes that stick together and not letting him solo pickoff you. Also ways to cancel his charge can't hurt

      For viper, a lineup that can deal with him in lane while not sacrificing much outside the specifically talked about lane. Viper is a strong laner without too much capability afterwards. So contest his lane with a hero that can put a fight against him, while heavily pressuring the rest of the lanes is ideal


        My personal favourites against Bara (SB):

        - Bane for locking him in place whilst your team wakes up (and prevents the charge);
        - Bloodseeker for the sheer joy of watching him charge with rupture then furiously typing "WHERE YOU GOING BARA??" in chat.

        In terms of Viper, anything that can get close to him is good (i.e. blink) but otherwise; rock out CK then Ulti, Reality Rift, Stun and remember CK only really needs Armlet to properly come online.


          If you see bara I would always go for Rubick. Or just go for heros that want your enemies to come close: Mk, Ursa, Sven.

          Ck is very nice against Viper, well generally heros that are strong against heros with no aoe shit.

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            some heroes with solo kill potential in your bracket:

            1. Luna - let that sb charge to you. ult and profit.
            2. Sky mage - another hero that can solo kill (assuming you're solo mid and have some levels). Get rod of atos so you don't miss ults.
            3. Necrophos - not as retard-proof as Luna's ult, but still easy enough. Necro not only has solo kill potential, but also solo rampage potential.

            Razor is a natural counter to Viper mid.

            Pitlord is a good counter to SB in general.

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              lmao luna is like the worst carry u can pick vs bara

              meteor hammer

                clockwerk is the sb counter

                viper is annoying. I counter him by banning him xd

                Potato Marshal

                  Clock seems to be the best counter to SB in my experience, Viper lacks aoe so illusion heroes like CK and PL wreck him pretty hard.