General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed pro help for item timings

Need pro help for item timings in General Discussion
Brother.Teresa ^aka^ OldS...

    I'm looking to compile a list of item timings for different carries and mids - any high mmr players care to share their knowledge?
    I usually here casters mention item timings during games but have never found a good list or guide online; i think it would help players a lot to know their item timings and when to push

    For instance I know Anti-Mage should get battle fury around the 15 min mark, around 11-13mins if its a good lane.
    Alchem should get radiance around 11-13 mins
    PA should get deso - 13mins
    Jungle midas should be 8mins, what about jungling for a blink? TA mid blink?
    Tinker BOT should be before 10mins.

    What about a spec or naga radiance? Bone or storm orchid? Earthshaker/tide/mag blink dagger?

    Also if those damn 2Ks know their item timings, they wouldn't farm like f***king forever...


      Item timing dont really matter if you do everything more efficiently your item timing will come by itself and no, you domt fight 24/7 even if you have your core item


        TA mid blink depends does you go for blink firs item, or after one or two items, like dragon lance, deso,bkb, but not more than 14min, 10 if it`s first and you went standard boots, bottle, aquila...
        Naga spec radiance around 15min.

        "Also if those damn 2Ks know their item timings, they wouldn't farm like f***king forever..."
        you fail cause you don` t get farm for items, like you cs is worst than 8kplayer, you can know when you should get items but if you don` t know how to farm you wont get that timing. item timings is more just to see where are you not to win games.
        Like timber bloodstone if you get that in 12min you are good, 18min ok, 30min you suck. But even if you know that blood should be on 12-15min you still can get that in 40min like first times, just cause you suck.


          I would say "It depends".

          There are Alch games that you can get Armlet Radi 12 min. And in the other you get it on 20 its still a good timing and you can win.

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            doesnt mater u will learn gradually just play the goddamn hero alot and try improve

            tinker travels 8-10 min blink 13-16 etc

            am bf 13-16 manta 19-23 etc..


              clinkz orchid xd


                >not armlet clinkz