General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero would u pick if all 4 are going to pick carries?

What hero would u pick if all 4 are going to pick carries? in General Discussion
Papa Susej

    Well, ive been figuring this a lot lately, if all of my 4 teammates go for carry heroes, do u have suggestions what to pick or strategies on how to carry the game with a support hero? I now play mostly support heroes cos I dont want to contribute to the CANCER-SOCIETY which,we,SEA PLAYERS live in. Cos man, im so fed up with all the kill and kill and kill and kill mindset of SEA PLAYERS.

    Thanks in advance for those who will answer in a kind manner.

    meteor hammer

      lich? idk


        High ground defense

        Riguma Borusu

          just pick lich and win a lane or two, then get carried by your less than ideal teammates

          will work most of the time if you play support well


            When this happens, my goto answer is usually Crystal Maiden. A global aura to help the team, and great teamfight presence with her spells. If the enemy has counters/annoyances like Zeus and Pudge, well... I pray for the best.

            Alternatively, you could try Disruptor. Fantastic silencing ult, and brings the enemies back to your "kill kill kill" carries. Just make sure you don't get picked off yourself and/or pray your team can protect you.

            Also, as mentioned above, Lich can be a good pick too. People have reported him being strong this patch, and he is certainly a lane winner.

            Basically, pick heroes with good teamfight presence is my advice.

            Questo commento è stato modificato
            Papa Susej

              I was also actually considering a push-type support. I have tried shadow shaman but it doesnt really work in enemy's high ground. U guys got other suggestions for push-type support hero?

              Papa Susej

                I think that answers me. Lich it is. Ill try it on my next game. Thanks guys. I owe to you guys each lich I won. LOL


                  As for push-types... well, I like Jakiro.


                    Pick another carry


                      Try winning the average Lich+1KAntiMage against Viper+CK lane


                        Clockwerk maybe Sand King or Nyx

                        Insane mobility


                          Lich is a good choice, Jakiro too imo, but I'd pick a healer like Dazzle or Omni. Like Slacks once said, you gotta keep your idiots alive.


                            If you have a ranged carry to play with, you could go Omni. Nothing like that ulti to keep people going. But CM is good too. It all depends on who you are playing with. I've also found WD to deliver some serious damage and has pretty nice gank potential once you get lvl 3-4 with the stun + maledict and a few right clicks from you and the carry takes down almost anything. Especially in low tier with mistakes being made left and right.

                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                              When this happens, my goto answer is usually Crystal Maiden. A global aura to help the team, and great teamfight presence with her spells.

                              I've also found WD to deliver some serious damage and has pretty nice gank potential once you get lvl 3-4 with the stun + maledict and a few right clicks from you and the carry takes down almost anything.

                              ON PAPER. Jesus, such people..

                              During the early game, what happens in 2k is the cm or wd overcommits aggro and is run down by the offlane Veno, bristle, timber, pudge etc.

                              Then in team fights, they often position themselves too close to the action and get nuked down either DURING ult or before they can even get their ult off.

                              In 2k mmr, win lane => Win game (most of the time).

                              WD and CM are terrible lane supports in the current meta. Especially in 2k where players dont know how to manage creep equilibrium and aggro efficiently.

                              For position 69 support, go for lich, disruptor, dazzle, skywrath. At least you can 1. Save braindead teammates from dying and turn fights or 2. Win the safe lane by stopping the enemy offlaner from messing with your safe lane carry

                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                Ok, one doesnt even play ranked and the other is 1k. It all makes sense now.


                                  Carry is not eqaul to carry, centaur can be carry, abaddon, timber can be, lina, necro can be. If they pick like that, then pick normal support, if they pick like: pa, void, troll, terrorblade then pick furion, tp fountain and make courier trains

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    Carry is not eqaul to carry

                                    1st class tourist

                                      Carry is not equal to carry

                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D



                                          Id always go for defensive supports eg. Omni, Dazzle maybe Kotl to def HG.


                                            There is the carry and "THE" carry ..

                                            Maxxforce DT

                                              I always go for SS or Skywrath Mag. SS work magic in pushing highground. early game you win lanes for whoever your near with shackles then mid game you use ur ult to gank the hero with the highest KDA if u can succeed. Get Tons of gold - Buy Aghs Refresher and just win by urself.


                                                I never last pick on solo and get carry and i will never last pick again.

                                                Papa Susej

                                                  I sometimes dont last pick too but every some time i am having a strong feeling that all 4 would pick cores and 80% of the time they do.

                                                  Papa Susej

                                                    I tried SS too but if ur warding and buying sod or dust its hard to build refresher. Cos i sometimes build glimmers or force staff first to save an empty brain.


                                                      jungle lc

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        I tried SS too but if ur warding and buying sod or dust its hard to build refresher. Cos i sometimes build glimmers or force staff first to save an empty brain.

                                                        why the fuck would you rush a refresher on ANY support, the only supports that sometimes rush a core item like aghs are kotl and AA, and even then sometimes they go for utility first


                                                          Techies obviously

                                                          Papa Susej

                                                            Have i mention "rush" in building refresher?

                                                            Papa Susej

                                                              Jungle lc? Lmao.