General Discussion

General DiscussionAccidental Smurf

Accidental Smurf in General Discussion

    When I first started playing Dota, I thought I easily would be in 5k+ bracket because I watched Baumi videos XD. I even got a rampage + ultrakill in 2 separate games.

    Then I calibrated to 1.1k. Slacks + low tier players kept on telling me there was a "trench" and that it would be impossible for me to gain mmr because of "bad teammates" and people that didn't speak my language. I didn't believe them, but when I didn't have my mmr skyrocket, I realized that I PROBABLY was the cause of all my losses, took a break from actually playing Dota and began to:
    A) Watch BSJ's coaching sessions on Youtube to improve on laning phase stuff
    B) Watch that Day9 Learns Dota stream to improve upon basic game mechanics that I hadn't really thought of (trading, itemization, ect. )
    C) I also read Cookie's old guide that got taken down :(. That REALLY helped me w/ conceptualizing farm patterns + effective splitpushing

    It took some time for all these things to click, and now I'm winning so often I feel like a smurf (I got to ~2.2k playing about once a day for 4 months). There's no battlepass for me to recalibrate, so I guess I just have to take the easy (if somewhat boring) wins. To spice things up a little, I'm trying to learn ranged carries that get active on the map before 20 mins and don't need too many core items like drow/clinkz

    Bit of a long post. Just want to thank the Dota community for making this trek upwards in mmr possible. I'll try to get 3k by February (and maybe keep everyone updated?)

    Thanks Cookie + 90% of Dota community,
    A Sven Spammer

    Also thanks to everyone that put up with my incessant series of questions about Bloodthorn Sven

    I'm waiting for the 1 person that tells me in the comments, "I should be 12k but I play in --- region and my team keeps feeding and the trench is real and when I pick carry my supports suck and when I pick support my carries suck and my team sucks and they always feed and I don't realize that I'm supposed to play this game for fun and that I can get better if I put my mind to it."


      Yes you realise how much learnin about concepts like farming efficiently, split pushing and laning can do wonders for your game


        Yes my team is always dogshit


          because I watched Baumi videos

          If that was your source of knowledge then no wonder you calibrated to 1.1k
          That is equivalent to using Bill Nye videos as a study guide for an upper level classical mechanics class.


            can someone link me to cookie old guide? im 1k scrub looking to improve


              inx starting anew on SEA i see


                i think its really good for newer players to start off watching purge/day9
                BSJ is a lot more advanced (A LOT)


                  because I watched Baumi videos



                    I never did watch any tutorial when I started playing Dota 2 but by watching live games and replays at Dota 2 launch.

                    I'm so obsessed on those 500gpm people for their farming pattern and nothing else then the game comes at me and improve my game a bit.
                    Lost 9 out of my calibration games but still managed to be calibrated at 1.9k then downfall comes to 1.7k then now at 2k.

                    Sad part is that most of my heroes are basics.

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      I'm too lazy to improve on this game anymore

                      Story Time

                        so how is the title relevant for your learning curve on your main account?


                          baumi hahaahahah


                            whats hte issue with baumi?

                            I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                              you actually look like a normal player and nowhere close to smurf

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                whats hte issue with baumi?

                                have u heard the guy laugh


                                  I just copied dotafire guides in the beginning. Bad times...


                                    does my recent games make me a smurf too ?

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                      good job man this is the right way, when u learn something new u improve a lil bit all the time


                                        I didnt watch any guide and calibrate 1.4(never play dota 1)XD

                                        I just Beat unfair bot and got 1.5k unrank

                                        boSS emat

                                          BAUMI LUL
                                          Idk which is worse actually, baumi or dota wtf xd