General Discussion

General DiscussionZeus’ upcoming buff

Zeus’ upcoming buff in General Discussion

    So at ESL Hamburg Zeus was picked 5 times and only won twice which indicates a competitive weakness and an upcoming buff.

    IMO he’s pretty strong already and just needs help in the landing stage. He doesn’t really “win” his lane since his low attack range and poor attack animation make it difficult to manually CS or deny creeps particularly against strong mid landers. However the damage and cast point on chain lightning make it easy for him to ensure his own last hits, so it’s equallly as hard for him to lose the lane. Only time I’ve ever actually lost mid on Zeus was against a mid PA when there was a bounty hunter camping my tunes and fanning me mid while our two randomed “supports” (rubick and visage) hung around the bottom tower doing fuck all while I was dived instead of smoking and getting easy kills with rotations on the PA. Oh well some people are just hopeless this game.

    So the buffs that Zeus needs are to help him in his early game in order to ensure he can’t get shut down. He could also have some late game and meta/item buffs to help. A couple of things I think he might be up for:

    Base intelligence increase - increasing his base int by 3-4 points would guarantee one extra cast of chain lightning before he ran out of mana which is enough to buy his soul ring at the start of the game.

    +5 movespeed (or talent becomes +30) - he has no positioning ability but is reliant on moving around and keeping up with heroes as they flee from him.

    +15 magic resist/+7 armour - change to +40 chain lightning damage / 10% cooldown. Around level 15 is when his damage output peaks so you want to buff him to be at his strongest at this point. Post level 15 bkbs, pipes, glimmers etc become common and he has a massive fall off. Survivability talents are also wasted on him anyway, if he’s initiated on he’s likely dead regardless of 7 extra armour.

    Level 20 +75 chain lightning damage change to +5 seconds true sight on all unliked targets. Often the ability to use the ultimate to get true sight on a fleeing or invisible target is very useful and is a good trade off for the extra lockdown that a 0.7 second stun provides.

    Nuimbus cooldown to 30/30. Very valuable global scouting, pushing and additional damage/lockdown tool. Being slightly shorter cooldown improves the utility a lot.

    Extra talents - static field disabled blink dagger / ultimate releases a chain lightning from ultied hero to next nearest unit. This would be the new level 25 talents and provides 2 very powerful late game things - either extra utility from disabling blinks (this was removed as part of his 6.86 nerfs) or another damage increase which has the effect of adding 145x5 damage on to his ulti and which can help clear away more units etc.

    Item changes:

    Increase aether lense range to +250. Split recipe to sobi mask and cheaper recipe increase mana regen to 150%.

    Veil - change build up to helm and 3 null talismans again.

    Octarine core/soul booster - increase hp/mana to 500.

    Change raindrops to purchaseable at minute 2.

    Meta changes:

    Increase spell amp - 10 int = 1% spell amp.

    More team fight oriented meta.

    Alchemist nerfs, invoker nerfs, storm spirit nerfs, TA nerfs, tiny nerfs.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Dafuq you nerfing ma boi Tiny but buffing Zeus?!

      Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

        all you do is pick zeus then you've probably already won the game with his winrate but if you haven't yet then just click a few buttons then bam you've won


          I call for a rework for his third skill, his passive, I might be ignorant on that part but I think his passive is irrelevant and not effective at all in late game and early game (hence why we always max out his q and w first before it). Nimbus should stay at 40 sec cd (i think that its cooldown) otherwise I think it would be too op.


            So because it only won 2 out of 5 times means it needs a buff? Hello retard ever considered that the other team that was against the Zeus was better than them? Or they outdrafted them? Your logic doesn't make sense.

            If u are 2k then dont post.

              Questo commento è stato cancellato

                Like actually ur post tilted me that I want to even write more. For example if there's a 2k team vs a 6k team and the 2k team picks zeus 10x and they lose with zeus 10x does that mean the hero is bad and needs to be buffed? No retard the 2k team is bad and thats why they lost every game.


                  his E is damn strong what are you saying


                    Then I read the nerfs and it was even a bigger diasaster lmfao this guy.


                      Why the fuck would you think a 2k team would be playing at ESL Hamburg?

                      Like, do some research.


                      Hero was picked only 5 times, none at the main event meaning an undervalued hero.

                      He lost mid against Tiny twice - because he can't contest tiny's farm which means a fast blink and a fast dead zeus. Other times was run as a solo laner against a shadow shaman/TB (good way to get TB easy farm), and as a solo laner against a sand king where they tied.

                      Like holy hell you get some dumb comments on this forum sometimes.

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        Plz dude stop making threads you lack the iq digits to write logical things. Go back to ur 2k bracket where u belong.


                          Holy shit you are dumb. Can't even look at someone's profile to check their MMR (as if it matters). Please just get out of my thread.


                            Fu, zeus doesnt need buf, his agh is already too op, countering enemies in too many situations without taking any risk


                              @Kruelty- I agree that zeus' e should get a rework. Doesn't feel like it makes a significant impact on games.


                                So at ESL Hamburg Zeus was picked 5 times and only won twice which indicates a competitive weakness and an upcoming buff.

                                how does this statement make any sense?
                                2/5 = buff, then 3/5 = nerf?
                                if a hero was perfectly balanced, what sort of w/l ratio on a sample of 5 games would he have? 2 fucking point 5?

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  The basis of this thread is flawed. If zeus was played 1000x at a given point in time then maybe the data is reliable enough to make an inference on whether or not he needs a buff/nerf. But a sample size of 5 games? Of one tournament? Come on dude, you don't need to take a statistics course to understand how to analyse data of this level. It's just plain and simply unreliable.


                                    The whole point of a sample size of 5 games shows he is underpicked, not just the 2/5 performance. Idk what is so hard about that to comprehend. The hero should be picked more but isn’t. That’s why he needs buffs. I thought most people understood simple comprehension.


                                      The hero is already cancerous in pubs, no need for buffs. Maybe something minor like +5 ms but the hero is fine imo.

                                      Player 281121816

                                        Just need change that shit lvl 25 talent.Like, how u make ur zeus powerfull if the choice was 200 cast range or +2% static field at the late game?

                                        Its so retarted mate


                                          what the f, 7 extra armour is op af already. +2 mana regen is unnegotiable, and rest of your argument is invalid when zeus is already so f-ing strong. just look at my zeus game this past year, only 1 lost, and i played a lot of zeus games.


                                          like every other hero. his pick is situational when there's lots of squishy heroes and no magic resist hero. he's already strong as fuck with arc lightning and static field cast range almost as long as sniper's attack range

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            so you want to buff one of the most broken items in the game (veil) to buff a hero because he was "only" picked 5 times (and went 2/3) while the said hero has 56.46% winrate in pubs? this is legit the only time i agree with hanter, you are beyond retarded mate.


                                              this is legit the only time i agree with hanter, you are beyond retarded mate.

                                              What a great guy.

                                              meteor hammer

                                                skywrath with 3null veil xd

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  god this is like one of my essay shitposts but it seems you are serious so that is really terrible

                                                  I want to die

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    shut UP


                                                      BUFF ARC AGAIN!!!!


                                                        all right to all the people who think zeus has a shitty passive
                                                        look at ur last zeus game u won
                                                        after a fight, check the combat log and see how much dmg his e actually does
                                                        just cuz it aint flashy doesnt means its bad

                                                        also his lvl 25 talent is fine, extra range is good cuz then u can take out aether lens without feeling like ur cast range is bad, and replace it with a better late game item


                                                          Zeus doesn't need a buff.

                                                          You don't even need to right click in lane. Stay away and spam arc lightning. Farm Aether Lens.

                                                          Who cares if they get 10 stick charges. Your goal is to farm lens and sceptre. Not to trade hits with whoever you're midding against.

                                                          Zeus' burst damage is insane.

                                                          And he scales really well late game since his E is % based. Which means a 5k hp centaur takes a fuck ton of damage with a single bolt.


                                                            He brings so much more to the game than just burst damage.

                                                            Bolt is a free sentry ward that exposes obs.

                                                            His ult is a free mh and exposes enemy positions and whether they're smoked or not.

                                                            Sceptre upgrade adds more map control.


                                                              I'm pretty sure this guy is trolling. WP OP.

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                if he is then it must be the most dedicated troll ive ever seen because hes been spamming his zeus/spectre/bs bullshit here for 2 years
                                                                at that point hed be basically trolling himself anyway

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  He's not trolling, he's a zeus and spectre spammer so he wants them buffed.

                                                                  You can't glean too much from pro play picks. I mean tinker was only picked one time the entire tournament including qualifiers. Pudge the most picked pub hero was only picked once and never banned. Pub dota can't equate to pro dota, it's a different game. I really doubt they are going to try to balance a pub hero like zeus around pro play.

                                                                  Why? Pros like to play heroes with utility and skill shots/complexity. Zeus is none of those, he has virtually no utility aside from dewarding, he has no skill shots and isn't complex, you just spam his nukes. It's why pros never pick sniper either and only recently started picking viper, but it took viper becoming super strong to even consider it. It's also why they love heroes like qop even if she's bad in the meta cus she has a blink and you can make plays on her.

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    Why? Pros like to play heroes with utility and skill shots/complexity.

                                                                    lich and necro would like to talk to you for a bit


                                                                      As I expected got buffed.

                                                                      Has one of the best and only xp gains at level 10 now since most others have lost it or only get it at level 15.

                                                                      The cooldown reduction being a trade off against lightning bolt ministun is a bit :(

                                                                      Would need to decide if you want raw damage or extra cc.

                                                                      Higher damage arc lightning or longer cast range gives you a good option based on how dangerous the enemy initiation is and how safe you have to play.

                                                                      The aether lens change is basically what I suggested almost entirely. I also think the bigger mana pool early on is worth the loss of spell amp.

                                                                      Veil buffed in the same way I suggested (ie more int).

                                                                      Will have to see if that Katka item is any good on him.

                                                                      Only thing that screwed him is the soul ring change. I don’t know or see what the point of that was. Maybe the change to mana per int and mana regen might help but I think you’ll need to buy a lot more starting clarities.

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        Pros only started playing lich and necro when they were so good they couldn’t be overlooked any more. I’m sure they’d much rather play invoker and ember spirit if they were stronger.

                                                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                          What buff? @_@
                                                                          Have you seen ma boi Tiny? Dude's OP as fuck now

                                                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                            Reworked Grow: Grants you 20/30/40% Status Resistance
                                                                            So with Grow level 3, a 2s stun will just be 1.2s HOLY SHIT


                                                                              status resistance is a thing now? is this fucking ragnarok online

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                0 AGILITY GROWTH WTF

                                                                                Riguma Borusu


                                                                                  this makes an ac absolutely mandatory every game and it sucks xD


                                                                                    echo also mandatory
                                                                                    sb also mandatory
                                                                                    like 0 agi gain is so fucking atrocious
                                                                                    u need a casual platemail and u still have 0 armor
                                                                                    im considering ac and shivas
                                                                                    just for the armor, mana is nice too

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      inb4 tiny armlet solar crest lul