General Discussion

General DiscussionShare your thoughts about "Pub Rules" that you think is retarded (unr...

Share your thoughts about "Pub Rules" that you think is retarded (unranked and ranked) in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Its insane actually

    Most common ones :
    Viper : Tank (???) , get flamed for not making "tank" build, Viper blademail is a must (seriously, corrosive skin only good early game, u do need right click build)

    Afk jungler : always say this line : "Noob team, feeding"

    Only one item build is allowed for every hero each, else from that, you are fucking retarded

    razor : Tank (???) again, why the fuck people think heroes like razor and viper are "tank" just because their one protective passive spell???

    ON RANGED CARRIES (Agi) I ALWAYS SEE THIS , ITS SO TRIGGERING : PT > Huricane Pike. Fucking Pike. For what? they always ends up in no damage right click with little mobility. Example : Sniper power treads to huricane pike

    AKA share your anger about your games here

    one syllable anglo-saxon


      chicken spook,,,,

        People's fetish with tanker

        doc joferlyn simp

          How is the mindset that Viper and Razor are tanks, bad?


            i mean razor shud be imo, but viper, not anymore

            doc joferlyn simp

              Viper's utility is better than Razor though, I mean Nethertoxin is a 300 AOE 900 range 5 second spell on 75 mana that lowers magic reduc and applies Break. It lasts for 8 seconds, which means you can have 2 up at the same time.

              That's just one spell. All other of Viper's skills are also more effective at long, drawn out fights since they are all DoTs and not burst. Making enemies work hard for your death by building as a tank seems a lot better than making DPS items, even if you don't have DPS items you're going to win just because you can outlast the enemy. Going for burst and not abusing his low CDs is such a waste for me.

              Can jd or another dude come and enlighten me?


                I think op is the retard here


                  RAZOR with BM, Hpike, Vanguard, SnY, BkB, Skadi .



                    When will valve finally put an end to tank meta!


                      People Flame you for Dieing one time Or first blood. Really. It's just 1 kill.

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        What's wrong with pt into pike?

                        Also with pike you have no reason to not justify a double wraith band

                        Riguma Borusu

                          not sure if trolling or retarded


                            Haha what it this lul,lets say ok but to have a problem with sniper huricane pike?Or pike on agi ranged cores?Lul this item it there for them,nice item on most of them,can you just play your hero?You propably going phase to crits on sniper....😅

                            Fee Too Pee

                              I am okay with pike. But its too many cases happened when they stuck without actual threat before making pike.

                              I prefer maelstorm or shadowblade or actual item that make me a threat before making a pike.

                              Have u ever seen sniper PT and pike without any damage? I have seen too many of them.

                              And i am tired of people flaming me for not making "tank" on viper. Like wtf dudeeee


                                "Mid no ss report"




                                    Sniper pike no damage? Whut??

                                      Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        you think the pike is a problem but the real problem is that your carry can't farm and has 300 GPM and he is also level 8 15 minutes in becase he had a trilane who does not know when ot fuck off in his lane

                                        it doesn't matter if he has a completed pike or a mjollnir with brown boots, the fact is that they should have 2-3 items on top of that and they don't because they suck at farming because they are the same kind of low mmr trash that you and I are

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                        Dire Wolf

                                          lance is fine, makes you tanky, gives range. Pike isn't much dmg over lance but still a very good mobility item. If you mix in an aquila, treads, pike is respectable dmg if you do it quick enough and the point is you can't catch any ranged heroes with pike.

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            I quess so...

                                            I quess in my mmr everyone just sucks at item timing and huricane pike first just make it worse.

                                            I just want to see my ranged carry actually deal damage feelsbadman


                                              2-1-2 lanes. I hate them. Roaming and jingling both got nerfed though so there will be 2v2 lanes every game.

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                Mid gank plz

                                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                                  "no missing report. ffs" - typical pinoy dialogue after getting ganked. I always write them off as having zero map awareness in that case. I know I could alt press that one hero icon, but I choose not to. Tells me a lot about what kind of team I have and can I rely on them backing me up if I engage on a hero.

                                                  This one time, I did make a missing report, the safelane sniper still died, blamed me for not calling miss. I asked him to kindly check his chat. The little goofball replied "keep spamming miss, ffs". There is just no winning against idiots, I tell you.


                                                    Need wards, when map already full of wards..

                                                    Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                      they buy blademail on literally every hero


                                                        ALL FIVE CARRIES :)


                                                          If someone have picked carry and team already have enough of that role when they picked carry but you want to play carry too then pick hard carry to ensure that team will go on tilt and lose hard in the order to get back at the one who "steal" your role out of your pettiness. Oh, and brace yourself for LP because not everyone share the same idea of your "justice" :)

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                            In six months the OP will look at this thread and cringe.


                                                              3k retards predicting 2-1-2 for years now

                                                              NOT GONNA HAPPEN ITS BORING TO WATCH

                                                              what players are viewers hyped to see?

                                                              valve will never patch out the playmakers that are fun to watch in return for boring and static 2-1-2 laning


                                                                -vanguard makes you tanky is a classic

                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  The statement itself isn't wrong :thinking:

                                                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                    Actually I noticed alot of 3-1-1 on my 1k pubs, sometimes executed badly and leeching alot of experience, but they are not uncommon and being definitely tries

                                                                    Also when I roam my team generally doesn't oppose to that, and do play actively around my movement and commits to my gank
                                                                    Wish that they would be more actively involving in my rotations though, it's very rare that my movement is being on their intention, I am almost always the one who initiate it

                                                                    Trench pubs definitely try and flex, alot of time it fails but an intention and will absolutely exist

                                                                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                      TANKS IN 2017 ZULUL

                                                                      ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                        Last pick must support


                                                                          "gg voker no gank report" 8 minutes in lmao

                                                                          white boy summer

                                                                            picking supports in pubs like it would make a difference. then that supp ends up fucking feeding and/or team doesnt close the game so the game becomes 5 carries vs 2 which sucks


                                                                              expecting mid to gank
                                                                              ITS FUCKING 2017 WTF R U TALKING ABT


                                                                                Picking Anti-Mage before 7.07!! For f**** sake

                                                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                                                  Ah yes, the fucking classic noob mid no gank despite the mid hero is greedy farmer like invoker.

                                                                                  Fuckin hell. "Noob mid no gank", like what are you expecting from invoker before midas?


                                                                                    Lol FeelsMatumbaMan your rubick game explains your comment perfectly