General Discussion

General DiscussionDead items

Dead items in General Discussion
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    Can someone explain to me, what niche do Abyssal Blade and Diffusal Blade fill in the game right now?

    Abyssal was a top-tier melee core item back in the day, but ever since it gives no damage, what's the point of building it, unless you're some kind of a very specific hero like Anti-Mage? That active disable, the cost and the actual things it gives feel out of place. Isn't it like total garbage now?

    Diffusal blade without its upgrade, without its purge. Latter was the whole point of buying one for me.
    Now it doesn't scale and doesn't do jack shit. Feels like a poor man's melee Rod of Atos old patches style. Has no niche at all, besides very specific heroes.

    I may be a retarded 4k shitlord, but can someone elaborate, please?
    Am I wrong for assuming these items are fucking garbage and got reworked in some awful way?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      although abyssal blade doesnt give much damage, it still gives you a huge edge over the other carry in a manfight. that and the disable is reason enough to buy it in most games.
      diffusal is in a weird place right now but i dont think its bad. manabreak is still incredibly strong (its +40 damage if they have mana) and it gives decent agility as well. its just not a must-purchase anymore.


        +1 on agreessive :D


          plus that item changes game momentum.
          If someone got abyssal like jugg or any other melee he can solo kill cores or support easily. :D purge of diffusal is good its slow enemies plus they got rattled

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            But isn't Nullifier replacing Diffusal in its niche right now?
            You get more damage and the desired purge.

            With Diffusal you're investing in the item, which would fall off hard 20 minutes later, unless you're playing against Medusa as PL or something very specific like that.

            Questo commento è stato modificato
            one syllable anglo-saxon

              how are these items any similar

              nullifier is an upper 4k item with a crap buildup u get to counter specific enemies or on heroes who can afford to carry orchid/hex + nullifier(storm, aw, clinkz)
              diffusal is an early/mid game item with good buildup that gives u a crapton of damage + chase

              in a vacuum it is way weaker now, but now there is no drawback whatsoever to buying it super early and using it every engagement and u dont have to worry about blowing a charge for nothing which is an underrated buff(at least for people with hoarder syndrome, blew a diffusal/drum/bkb charge = tilt)

              Riguma Borusu

                that is actually a fair point

                I just do not like how bad it is lategame on most heroes

                carries do not typically buy 3k gold items to sell them when they are 6 slotted, and diffusal is a pretty shit 6 slot item right now unless you are a PL (and even in the case of PL honestly you might as well be building your PL to be strong himself and ignore illusions a lot of the time)

                Questo commento è stato modificato
                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  who cares most games last 35-50 minutes and diffusal is well relevant up to that time


                    the only other item build u might go on pl is sr into aghs rush and farm more instead of fight, then go into bigger items like manta
                    but diffusal is still rlly good on the hero


                      i played one game with diffu but i think it's still pretty good
                      at least on jugg

                      Riguma Borusu

                        it is going to feel good if you are finding pickoffs (and you should be, you are not buying it to farm) but you might also just get a farming item