General Discussion

General DiscussionMmr just a number?

Mmr just a number? in General Discussion

    Hey all, did u guys having the same situation which is there are some players who doesnt care about their mmr and just play it without any commitment to win the game? How can we motivate all of this players to give their 100% effort from the beginning until the very last sec of the game. Ty 😊

    Friendly player

      So you mean people shouldn't have fun playing a game but instead try hard and worry about winning?


        @friendy player in ranked,yes.But if u wanna be 2k or 3k whole life,''have fun''.The more you understand the game,the more fun you have.

        Riguma Borusu

          The more you understand the game,the more fun you have.

 your own humble opinion, I presume. There are lots of ways to have fun. People who do not want to tryhard shouldn't play ranked, I know I won't. I like learning about the game, but I don't like putting effort to improve, that's why I watch a lot of competitive dota and high MMR pubs. I like SEEING good dota, I just don't care enough to play it since it's a lot of work and as soon as something looks like work to me it is no longer fun.

          I find dota very fun. But in an entirely different way than you do.

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            wait you went to school to learn math, languages, history, biology, chemistry, but yo aren`t very good at everthing. Same as doa you play to get relaxed, make fun chat, win or loose, who care if you wont be pro why would you ever care about some mmr. where is difference in 1k and 4k when don`t get money don`t play pro dota, and wont be ever on any tournament, so you spen2h more to get what? better chat dominance to say hey you 1k noob I`m better than you??? And you will get what self confidence? Don` play rank if you wont get at least 70% of yourself in game, just that, but still don`t get to much about that, caus in life you wont get much from 4k, or 3k.

            casual gamer

              lol I play 4 fun xD



                that's me in 90% games

                зачем я начал поиск

                  I play Dota for stress relief.
                  To stomp on one hero and feel good.
                  Sometimes to play on a bunch more, but only which I like.

                  MMR is just a number, as long as Dota isn't anything serious for you personally (i.e. in case it's a serious hobby, you're in a team playing for money, bossting accounts, coaching, commenting, etc. MMR may not be just a number for you) and/or you take it easy (=for 99% percent of the playerbase Dota is just a way to waste their time doing fucking nothing).
                  Everything else is just attempting to compensate for some IRL failures.

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    i can't get motivated to play ranked, so i just play unranked and click things

                    Riguma Borusu

                      i can't get motivated to play ranked, so i just play unranked and click things

                      have I been cloned


                        have I been cloned



                          Well mmr is a NUMBER in a LITERAL sense.


                            It's just a video game why you need to be serious??!!?!?!?!You must be serious about real life not a video game.


                              "You must be serious about real life" No, you don`t, aren`t, haven`t, needn`t have to be serious about real life too.


                                lol rpq-sama can't get to 4k after hundreds of games so he says trying to get good mmr is "work" and "not fun". lul.

                                casual gamer

                                  woa REAL 4k player???