General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on school?

Thoughts on school? in General Discussion
Friendly player

    Did going to high school helped you to get your job? Are you using the information you learned in school in your life? Is it helpful?




        Dude - high school in 2017 is like elementary school 20 years ago. high school now is useful to get you into a good college/university, but has no value in the job market. No one even mentions it on their resumes, because it's a given. It's like saying "I can walk".

        No job worth anything is based on your high school (unless you're flipping burgers, or someone super smart like Bill Gates).

        Yeah the stuff they teach in high school is useful, but only when you build on it from higher education.

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          I only occasionally directly use high school work. What high school does do is provide the very basics for subjects which you might use later in life. You wont use high school level maths much for example, but you need to know those basics to do stuff in many fields like engineering, architecture, medicine and anything science/numbers related.
          And if you want to study further at university/college then you pretty much need to go through high school.
          As for getting a job, having a high school diploma isn't going to impress anyone and probably wont get you into many jobs, but if you don't have it, its a pretty big reason for potential employers to turn you down.


            Its individual thing

            For my friend it doesnt give nothing since he didnt learn nothing in school but does work on internet for years

            he even finished 3 year university just so his parents dont get mad at him

            For me it helped most the practical and little theoretical part of school since my job relly on my high school

            Dire Wolf

              High school teaches you the basics of reading and writing effectively and algebra so yes it's important.

              "Its individual thing
              For my friend it doesnt give nothing since he didnt learn nothing in school but does work on internet for years
              he even finished 3 year university just so his parents dont get mad at him
              For me it helped most the practical and little theoretical part of school since my job relly on my high school"

              I stand corrected. High school apparently doesn't teach everyone to write well.

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              Cheap Laugh Guy

                School sucks

                Friendly player

                  Here's some of my experience in everyday school. At first i have technology classes. For this half of the year we are going to be making random bs like small wooden boxes, which has no use whatsoever. Then i have my native language classes, probably the only class i don't really want to be in, my teacher is talking about writers who lived in 19's like they were the most intelligent people in the country, after all i can't even remember anything cause its just too stressful. And of course, math. Man its next level mind fking. I understand what she is talking about, but every time i get a test, my grades are 2&3's. I just don't get it how can you understand more things than your classmates at the first place but in the test they get like 3x better grade than you? At least English is 9&10's hehe.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    I just don't get it how can you understand more things than your classmates at the first place but in the test they get like 3x better grade than you?

                    really makes u think


                      ^ those kids are like the 3K pubs who think they understand the game but can't ever break 3k.

                      Dire Wolf


                        high school math is a joke unless you're in like ap calc or something college level.


                          high school helped me to develop my mental illnesses
                          10/10 would recommend

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                          The DarKNovA

                            Same tbh


                              math is fun if tought right

                              it might be linked to your personal preferences but it is fun nonetheless

                              what you need to take care of todays schools is indoctrination, maybe not before college, but in general schools are used in todays world as promoting a social ideology, mainly marxism and other postmodernist doctrines


                                you are 1k bro, just quit school already for pro career

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                                    Tbh, 90% of the stuff that you'll learn in school is useless

                                    Mode : TOPSON

                                      young dumb broke highschool kids~

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                                        it is useful for higher education. otherwise u would struggle. and depending on what u choose for higher education, it is useful for life. e.g., professions (lawyers, doctors, engineers) would obviously rely a lot on what u learn in university.


                                          so yes, dumb immature kids, fucking pay attention in high school.


                                            whoever thinks that stuff you learn in high school is useless is a moron and should be treated accordingly


                                              You need to learn QUICK MAFFS!!!


                                                Never gave a fuck about high school.
                                                Still ended up with decent grades with just a week of preparations...
                                                High school Maths and physics are a joke...
                                                Stuffs you learn in high school are very useful for colleges and further studies... But no, very minimal of stuffs are useful in your actual life..


                                                  Here’s a challenge - name some people whom you admire and consider to have had a good life and go look at their wiki entries. How many who aren’t (e)sports stars/musicians didn’t do well at school and how many did?

                                                  Then ask yourself whether you want to go through life with the odds in your favor or not...

                                                  Mikan Tsumiki

                                                    I finished high school in a month...
                                                    idk tho.. they just told me to leave so whatever.. yea

                                                    Pump Cultist

                                                      I gained crippling depression, 10/10 worth would do again


                                                        School is ez for hardcore asian
                                                        guess what? im just a weak asian


                                                          school compared to university is like nothing man if u have problem with your grades in high school then ud better have a good idea how to get money or you will most likely end up with job you are not enjoying

                                                          me, government hooker

                                                            high school was easy and quite fun
                                                            10/10 would do again

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              If you clowns stop thinking that the only thing you can get in school is whatever useless theories they're teaching maybe you'll see school isn't that bad


                                                                depends on which country, i went to a medical high school. We also have like courses, So like class A is like general medical nurse, class D would be like a obstetrician nurse, i was in class F so it's a physiotherapist course.

                                                                So right now if i wanted to i could easily become a physiotherapist, all i'd have to do is a couple of months training and i'd get a medical licence.

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                                                                  Well in my country they teach useless stuff, values education subject?? Filipino subject? Dancing subject?


                                                                    I went into a Tech High School and specialized in Computer programming and design.

                                                                    When I entered college, I was way above the rest in terms of tech skills.

                                                                    Kids, yes you don't put HS in your resume BUT all the nitty gritty stuff you do day in and day out during school years are very formative of how you become as a person - habits, mindset, approach, working with people, etc

                                                                    There are no shortcuts. Grind it and be the best that you can be in whatever you're doing.

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                                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                                      school are for fgts i do drugs all day idc money


                                                                        People who says hs id useless should be banned in dota seriously ...


                                                                          Well i have no other education than high school and Im actually pretty rich now for my age. driving an Audi and have my own house already.


                                                                            In my country most of the information given in school is pure shit, and It didn't help me to get my actual job. (Argentina btw)

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              why wouldn't you want to go to school anyway? Don't you have friends? Even if you say no, how will you make friends when they are all at school?


                                                                                those who loves video games, loves math.


                                                                                  school is the most fun place to jump in pubg.

                                                                                  Friendly player

                                                                                    haha good one dude, "those who loves video games, loves math." I don't even know how to respond to this.

                                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                                      I feel like over half of you guys are still in school and have never worked a real full time job before.


                                                                                        All that I remember from HS is 2+2=4

                                                                                        Friendly player

                                                                                          too plus too is for, quik meth

                                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                            So many neurotypicals in the thread. Getting degrees and working for the man.


                                                                                              I only hate school because its exam year (GCSE) and other than that i love being in school

                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                Humanity is doomed


                                                                                                  I never went to school


                                                                                                    College is both useless and for whatever reason appealing to highly desired jobs. Best advice is to just chase after whatever it is you enjoy doing, so long as you can make a living (that is suitable for both yourself and a mate).

                                                                                                    I worked on computers because that stuff came easily to me, but I did not enjoy it. I could get a job anywhere, with a good payout, but again, I didn't enjoy it. Instead, I became a cook. I enjoy it, but it is helluva lot less money. But then again, my best friend decided to do something that would give 'em a shitton of money, but they hate their life right now.
                                                                                                    Its all about how YOU want to live life. But I'd say go to High School. Most of the classes wont affect what you do UNLESS you go to college, but you should still get at least a high school diploma.

                                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      College is not worthless unless you are worthless. It's what you make of it. I learned tons in college.

                                                                                                      yung griphook

                                                                                                        Yes, it's worth it. My high school degree led to a college degree which led to a career and high ranking/advancement possible in part because of my degrees. If I didn't even have a high school degree, let alone a college degree, I wouldn't have been qualified enough to even apply.

                                                                                                        Go to high school and get your degree or GED at the very least. Education is always a worthwhile investment in yourself. College is extremely valuable in that the information I learned either directly applies or correlated in some way with what I do for a career. It also allowed me to develop and become more well-rounded as a person in ways I wouldn't have previously imagined, had I not gone. Now, high school is more of just jumping through hoops and following directions than anything else. I think it's a flawed system but that's a discussion for another time. However, you do need that high school degree to progress, unless you're a Steve Jobs type, which very few of us are.

                                                                                                        Now if you think people are gonna hand you shit or give you a job just because you have a degree, then you are mistaken. You have to be proactive in job searching. If you have any specific questions or anything feel free to hit me up I'd be more than happy to help you with what I can

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