Arc Warden pos 4. It is so fun to watch people trying to kill your team under infinite Capes, Pipes, Lotus Orbs. The drawback is you require an adequate second support :D
Try playing full strenght morph it has a good disable and use his ult for some some good stuns and silences from ur team or enemy team. Imagine 2 hooks to a target who will get it??
I saw this guy doing Clinkz support at Divine 2, pretty legit
Spectre, haunt, spirit vessel a support, gtfo
160 damage+24% hp percentage damage every 3 min assuming you can get kills
start playing ench recently. super fun, usually easy ganks on enemy mid, takes towers, high damage output.
really fun to kite and bait enemy with max q and force staff/high move speed in early to mid game.
Doom support/roamer = unconventional. Doom jungler/farm forever till 6 slotted = conventional "support".
Really? I lately see ALOT of doom roamers at high mmr games. He seems to currently be a top roamer
And for a good reason, that infernal blade is great
Sven can work, with crest he can buff your carry nicely, add in a force stuff and that's high ground
I play it too, that's why I suggested it is unconventional. Same goes with WR and WK. I play them as supp too.
WK. Has a stun with slow and additional slow at six. Lifesteal. Sieging units.
Arcanes into blink/force, maybe atos or urn. Nice if you are bored.
I want to try weaver sup now
But my team would probably won't let me do that, if i will pick weaver they would probably draft 2 supports :(
burning spear lane harassment
huge heal
glimmer into ult = you take way less dmg and get get back out after
aghs and/or eblade as lategame option
The fun thing when I play supp WK (which I usually first pick), most of our enemies think I will play carry hence they counter it with AM, Invo, etc. only to find out that I will play as a supp. My teammates can counter their draft without any problem.
I will also pick a support if you pick weaver lol. He can supp but he is so much better as a core.
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I know there are certain carries that can support and transition into a core almost as if they were a hard carry. What are some examples/some of your favorites? I have wanted to try naga for a long time but a non radiance naga scares me. I remember seeing a high MMR game where someone was playing support PA, just pulling creeps and farming and roaming. I want to try more stuff. I used to hard support with pudge, even before pos 4 pudge was an accepted thing. But now support pudge is norm.
What are some ideas? I have wanted to fool around with brewmaster support or ursa (feel like he can kill fast enough to maybe make this work)