General Discussion

General DiscussionHow To Get Promoted To The Next Medal Star ?

How To Get Promoted To The Next Medal Star ? in General Discussion
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    Besides its hard to believe that some random Ancients will get higher star when they lose more than they win. Its still mmr based so stop talking fairy tales that you lose more than you win and get a higher star. (on low mmrs it might be different though)

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      Fairytales my ass, this badge system is broken as fuck!

      See this
      See my friend

      Obliviously it takes something else into the account apart from the actual MMR i dont think even Valve knows how exactly it works its still in beta i think, also shady as fuck so just make smurfs until its sorted out LUL!

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        ^ And what should we be able to analize here ? We are not talking about calbration but what happens after. During calibration many weird stories may happen.

        After it gaining badge is mmr based. Weird things usually happen when you get low badge and calibrate your party higher - then you get a higher badge. Apart from that many people can just tell fairytales about their huge leaps of stars/badges while losing more than winning - I dont believe that without a proof.

        Especially the guy that wrote that he has Ancient 0 with 3400 mmr solo. I'd like too see screenshots of that.

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          Imo the higher mmr matters for your badge whether its party or solo. But party matters only to maximum Ancient 5.

          Manhattan Cafe

            Medal is just a. png


              Correct me if im wrong, but the medal is based on the highest MMR ever been on the account right?
              I had a 3k account that got knocked down to 1k long before the new system. even after calibration, despite a few losses, right after a win or two, its archon with 1k.... so....


                If you look at new UI, valve show u how is ur performance compare to other player (CMIIW). Maybe the star/medal promote and demote come from that assesment?


                  The chart shows mmr which should place you at a specific medal almost definately but sometimes you get better medals just by playing good.


                    does anyone have the feeling they are getting better at this game?


                      Hi guys, after calibrate i got ancient 3 and after 10-15 games i reached ancient 5. But i stay in ancient quite a long time now, like 20 solo ranked games, winrate 80%. So how many games i need to win to get divine badge?

                      Potato Marshal

                        Should be 5040 at most. I've yet to see anybody above that without being divine.

                        TENGO CANCER EN EL GLANDE

                          Well Im Archon 2 and my mmr is below 2k evetough i lost 5 matches in a row and managed to win 1 (Really well played) i got a new star, i dont know if its just broken or it actually calibrates accordin on your impact on your teammates and your role

                          Bushido Brown

                            It's a lie, I'm 1864 with Archon (0) and i got promoted when I was approx 1.7k

                            Bushido Brown

                              2335 party though


                                it has been changed.
                                4.750 divine
                                3.8 ancient


                                  I was 1250 mmr, now I'm at 840, and my rank is still guardian 3??? So, we don't get demoted?


                                    medals will upgrade every after 6 months? on which mmr does it depends party ,solo,both or any higher one??


                                      Hi guys, check out my mmr and im ancient 0


                                        buy a dota plus.. and believe me ur ranked will increase faster than u think


                                          I dont get this new system. Before it was simple enough, if u win you get +25 if you lose -25. Now i cant see my mmr in my profile, and ive been stuck on crusader 1 for months, despite having 7+ winning streaks.


                                            ^ go to the stats tab you will find it at the top right corner


                                              git gud


                                                The boundaries definitely keep getting adjusted or it depends on more than just mmr. maybe number of games played also helps?

                                                I definitely have had medal upgrades at below my peak mmr for the season.

                                                Magical Miraai

                                                  i only playing party mmr those day but my friend (same party) get promoted twice and my medal is never changed.

                                                  Don't check my profile cuz it's a smurf with 100% winrate.

                                                  Mr. Jin

                                                    u can still see ur solo mmr when u click stats. i think that solo mmr affects ur medal changes.


                                                      I just hit 2390 and got archon [1] and my party mmr is like 1.8k or something.

                                                      This medal system really is confusing :/


                                                        Just Ask Gaben About That


                                                          both solo and party of mine are 4150, but i got ancient 1, guess valve see on the skills also


                                                            I got crussader 0 when I hit 1,4 on my party and 1,3 on my solo.

                                                            My friend got crussader 4 when he hit 1,9 on party and 1,3 on his solo.

                                                            Maybe I can conclude like this :

                                                            1,3 guardian 5
                                                            1,4 crussader 0
                                                            1,5 crussader 1
                                                            1,6 crussader 2
                                                            1,7 crussader 3
                                                            1,8 crussader 4
                                                            1,9 crussader 5
                                                            2k is archon 0
                                                            2,1 archon 1
                                                            2,2 archon 2
                                                            2,3 archon 3
                                                            2,4 archon 4
                                                            2,5 archon 5
                                                            2,6 is legend 0


                                                              Maybe u'll promote faster if u grinding on ur solo mmr


                                                                how is it possible that my medal is crusader 1 but my mmr is only 1100 solo and party is 1400


                                                                  It's 140mmr between each rankup, but the table is not correct. I got Divine 2 at 5000, Divine 3 at 5140.