General Discussion

General Discussionunpopular opinion

unpopular opinion in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    bottle on most mids is really bad and outclassed by soulring in every way




        7.06 yes 7.07 no


          Bottle is better on qop and puck, but I feel like it sucks on SF nowadays.
          Also I think bottle is shit on alchemist

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            For alch, dk, some strength cores yes
            Otherwise, no
            It's buildup is worse for some of those heroes


              Why are 2k players giving their insight on which item u have to get on what hero xD.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                well soul ring was nerfed for a reason. bottle is also useful for storing runes, which can give a huge advantage in fights.


                  Used to see soul ring on so many core heroes last patch, it was crazy. Still good I think, but better on low strength heroes instead of heroes like Dragon Knight that couldn't be bothered with the added HP regen. Removing the Sage's mask was pretty smart.

                  Still good on Storm Spirit I think. But you can't beat storing power runes in bottles. Either way, mid laners rarely bother with bounty runes now. Atleast early on.

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    unpopular opinion: both bottle and soulring suck on most mids

                    another unpopular opinion: matching algorithms are quite interesting

                    Chao Vritra

                      soul ring was nerfed? Not for all heroes IMO. Though I realize the mana regen was really important.


                        Unpopular opinion: stats on most carries is really bad and outclassed by divine rapier rush in every way

                        stats = no kill
                        no kill enemy ancient = lose

                        damage = kill
                        kill enemy ancient = win

                        Rektdalf the White

                          The truth has been spoken.


                            ive said this before, but u probably werent around the forums at the time so ill repeat myself
                            i dont proclaim my advice to be the word of god, i dont think im always right
                            im here to tell people my perception, what to think, and im here to be corrected by those who know more/better/see something different, and have a discussion
                            correct me by all means if im wrong
                            if im not wrong then dont bother commenting on my mmr, as it turns out im not blind and can see the number that shows up after i play ranked games ty

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              Unpopular opinion: Its better to put the milk in first. Then the cereal

                              casual gamer

                                earth spirit pickers probably deserve a report

                                casual gamer

                                  dear divine retards stop picking this fucking hero

                                  ur not gh


                                    unpopular opinion: sven is unbalanced as fuck still

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      Huskar is strong this patch


                                        Many mids can just live a wonderful life buying clarities

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          Game should be able to detect autistic courier huggers and give them lower BS


                                            I'm not sure who's worse: earth spirit or mk pos 4.

                                            probably mk.

                                            casual gamer

                                              They both suuuuuuuuck


                                                un-unpopular opion: playing wyvern and cold embracing your ta before she gets refrac off so she can get meatballed is grounds for having your help disabled

                                                casual gamer

                                                  I don’t think I’ve played a single game with u on ww where I don’t disable help bro


                                                    @ Washed Up I don't get why are you placed in 2k mmr? you have good stats k/d winrate. ( I know your games must be easier ) but still doesn't make sense. You should try and create a new account and see where you calibrate. Winning must be fun, but I'm sure you would enjoy more challenging games where most of the time people know what they are doing. When I started my acc back when I went from normal to VHS in ~3 months

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      Yeah i know jd you paid that wyvern to grief my game because u wanted revenge don't try to hide it sir


                                                        i put honey in my coffee its better then sugar


                                                          the heroes i play mid don't need bottle (razor necro viper)


                                                            im 2k because im bad rofl

                                                            Pale Mannie

                                                              why the fuck would you even buy bottle on alch when soulring gives the needed mana regen

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                to store bounty runes