Malefice stun is useless and the eidolons are free gold till its lvl 3. So you would start "ganking" at lvl 5.
Jungle was also nerfed and you won't get to lvl 5 fast unless you leach the exp of your carry.
I talked about the offlane woods not the safelane woods, somewhat like how chen is played
I guess idolons are indeed quite weak early. But I just theoried that he can deny the ranged creep somewhat like a lich wannabe, while being a better farmer and being able to stay out of vision constantly
Just idea i threw out there :)
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Jist wanted to ask, what do you think about playing enigma in a more supportive role than the traditional offlaner? Like starting from the offlane woods and apply pressure on the offlane with eidolons, somewhat like a less aggressive chen?
He can farm efficiently from the back, and get decent timing on stuff like force stuff, greaves, crest and so on. And with an aggressive second support he can be a great assistance on ganking with malefice, which has a decent 600 range
And as i said, he can contribute to the Lanning (mostly offlane) by converting the ranged creep, and also ganking frequently the lane when in troubles
He won't be able to pressure the whole map like a roamer nor provide constant strength to the offlane, but he can farm really well while being hidden from the map