General Discussion

General Discussionnew, slightly less shitty medals

new, slightly less shitty medals in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    the mm improvement we deserve

    Bad Intentions

      I like it!

      I think Ancient and Legend looks the coolest tho

      Over 9,000ping

        Still the same shitty mmr trench rock bottom system they've rocked for years.


          I still don't like the names. How's "Ancient" necessarily better than "Legend", or "Divine" better than "Ancient"?

          The brackets should be named after what they represent.

          Herald = Extremely retarded
          Guardian = Retarded
          Crusader = A bit less retarded
          Archon = Really Bad at dota
          Legend = Bad at dota
          Ancient = Think they're good at dota but they're not
          Divine = Haven't gone outside in months


            hey, that's not true

            i went outside last week

            casual gamer

              I’m in my car rn, have to go outside soon :(

              casual gamer

                Herald tango :D


                  well the difference between ancient and legend is pretty clear, defense of the ANCIENTs is better than league of LEGENDs

                  chicken spook,,,,



                      The new Ancient medal triggers me. Whats on it?!?! Frankly, I can not tell!! They could add some kind of item even somthing like a magic wand. Damn. I hate Ancient. Doesn't look right, doesn't sound right.


                        Ancient looks like manta


                          Legend looks better than ancient


                            ^ this legend looks much cooler that ancient.


                              Much better. But whys divine the highest but doesn't look cool enough? Needs a complete rework


                                Shitty Colour brown for second highest. Lmao


                                  Actually im ancient 5 havent been Outside for half a year now, but still i know i suck at dotes.

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    Crusader to Ancient medals are waaaaaaaaaayyyyy cooler than a dull Divine Rapier skewering a weird ass fishball


                                      I was laughing while reading these comments from infected kids


                                        love how they just slapped a tango behind the herald medal like fk off you little beginner scrub starter pack


                                          Yea what the hell is that fishball in the divine medal?


                                            Well i guess thats some Kind of globe for maybe World elite.


                                              Its actually nice to know guardian players can laugh about dota related stuff.


                                                hey now, some of us are down here because we have shit mechanical skills, not because we're completely retarded.

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  LMAO MECHANICAL SKILLS IN DOTA XdD


                                                    Bearcat very precarious thing to claim. I'm sure if we do some digging we'll find some evidence of mental retardation somewhere in your profile..lul


                                                      You are the retards...
                                                      Just waiting for a low mmr profile (like you) to shit on him.
                                                      Mechanical skill is essential in dota and you dont even know what it is seems.
                                                      Leave this forum and make it a better place :)))


                                                        they have new divine tiers for leaderboards too

                                                        BISAKOL SLAYER

                                                          3k games still archon -_-

                                                          Muhammad Sumbul

                                                            LOL I am crusader 2 and get matched with ancients and legends in unranked.IN high skill bracket