General Discussion

General DiscussionIs making a Divine Rapier a good idea on some heroes?

Is making a Divine Rapier a good idea on some heroes? in General Discussion

    Since a few games ago i started building a (couple) Divine Rapier(s) as core items on PA and Riki.
    I like building it on PA because it gets extremely scary crits, and after you get BKB and Satanic you are unstoppable.
    I like building it on Riki because of the Perma-invis talent, the Critical talent and the Ultimate (together with a BF, it could mean an insta-kill for the entire enemy team).

    Should i keep doing this or?


      Anything can work in the normal skill bracket


        Ye, keep doing this. I can also recommend Divine Rapier at Weaver, but Weaver is quiet bad actually (7.07).


          is this a troll?
          um, no, because spending 6k+ gold on an item that swings its entire networth to the enemy team if u die is a really retarded idea to do everygame
          its not even a value dps item on riki ur better off rushing butterfly than this shit
          i rlly wanna try this as a meme on weaver tho
          get triple geminate
          blink deso rapier
          i think jd mentioned this one
          just blink, 3 hit their support, ulti out


            Some heroes need this item to finish games. Play ember or medusa and you'll buy it every time your game goes 60+ mins.

            < blank >

              Kunkka and Ember

              casual gamer



                can work on nearly any carry if you are desperate (and have bkb and ideally satanic)


                  It can work but I'm the only hero who will get it every single time the game goes long is mid kunkka

                  casual gamer


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                        There r games when u go other things like bloodthorn on dusa
                        Kunkka practically has 2 slots for rapiers in an ideal game

                        casual gamer

                          dusa has 3 slots for rapier if you have 4 force staffs + venge with blink on your team xd


                            YES YOU GET 300 damage and the only downside is when ylu die you lose it . What can go wrong

                            casual gamer



                                Kunkka one crit can win the game .

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  330 damage? Triple raze at lvl 1 deal more than that

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                  13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                    NAVI.XBOCT used to buy this ALOT on his Gyrocopter when they were so far behind. Like its some last resort all or nothing, and that was always a spectacle to watch when they won some unwinnable games because of it.

                                    Only these heroes would benefit from it imo because of their outrageous AoE potential


                                      330 * 450% = 1485

                                      casual gamer

                                        if you get rapier on riki shirley you get the ult aoe size


                                          As someone who used to go rapier first item on Gyrocopter. Don't. You need damage as a carry, yes, but you also need survivability, to actually deal the damage. A 6K gold item that gives 330 damage is great... until you drop it and give it to them. How would you drop it? Blade mail. Getting bursted before you can kill, because you don't have survivability items. Shit like that.
                                          Based on your wording, I'm assuming you get rapier around 3rd, 4th item. Rapier is a back-of-the-line 6th item option. It's a desperation move.


                                            if it were to be core on any hero, i would say dusa.


                                              Yes, it's a must have item for riki below 5k..
                                              It's officially called a Phantom Riki build.
                                              Many people do it and have proved good multiple times.. Since now with your lvl 25 talent it's a must have item every game for riki..


                                                Phantom Riki
                                                2016 jan - 2016 April


                                                  Pretty much anytime I get Mega on me as kunkka I buy one if I have the money , unless my team has reached a critical mass and we don’t care about Mega . Actually a little off topic but Mega are way easyier to win vs then in the past , i notice since 7.0 every patch it gets easyier and easyier to defend vs it, with good late game .


                                                    ^it just depends on the heroes
                                                    u kinda need pushing aura items like vlads or ac if u dont have em and some heroes with wave clear
                                                    but if u have those then ur gucci
                                                    jakiro helps a lot in this


                                                      Phantom Riki
                                                      2016 jan - 2016 April

                                                      Phantom riki. Everyone will having a nightmare against,or with him. He was unseen till now,thats why he called "phantom"

                                                      Usual build: boots,dagon,sb,rapier

                                                      KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                        Rapier is very situational and is pretty much either a 6th item on a few selct carries or for certain heroes an item you buy as a hail mary play. Only time I ever buy rapier when the game asn't already been won is with Weaver when the only way to win is ratting