General Discussion

General Discussionis casual hood on pos 1/2 heroes worth it vs zeus

is casual hood on pos 1/2 heroes worth it vs zeus in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    the hero just deals beyond retarded amounts of damage and if theres no incentive to buy early bkb other than to not get instantly bursted down, hood seems like a cheap enough item to get just as a fuck you to him

    is it good or should i invest into other defensive items/tank up/play around his dmg



      me, government hooker

        drop top


          Depending on enemy lineup I'd say, I personally would say no if Zeus is the only magic source, especially if I will be getting BKB later on. I think wand and raindrops will suffice in the time being. That said, should I encounter a magic heavy lineup I think it'd be a worthy investment, but probably given its me I'll rather let my pos3 or 4 get a pipe for me instead.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            raindrop doesnt work. it blocks static field. hood is fine on most heroes unless its a very farm heavy one. i buy it regularly on razor and its good on pa too.


              Yes against veno zus and maybe core sky

              Riguma Borusu

                Only do it on heroes that:
                1) Prefer hood/pipe over BKB anyways
                2) Have to join fights right away
                3) Need a lategame 10 sec bkb at all costs so a hood for early survivability delays their bkb in order to be useful later
                4) Don't necessarily need to get anything asap, like an initiation or a specific fighting item, or even something that'll speed up their farm 10x
                5) Need to frontline

                What this means is, hood is beyond bad on Sven (except for the point #3), but it is pretty okay on Razor if the enemy has more magical damage than they have stuns.

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  yes its ok


                    It depends
                    As rpq said hood Sven is so bad, but hood pa or even slark, od, bs doesn't seem that bad if needed. More obvious ones are razor, dk.

                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                      good on morphling and pa imo

                      chicken spook,,,,



                          I would get it on spectre,pa