General Discussion

General Discussionparty mmr - medal

party mmr - medal in General Discussion

    any1 figured how it works? i won 1 game after the change and from ancient 0 went to ancient 2 and i currently have 5931 party mmr.
    Do i need 1-2-3 wins to reach the ancient 5 medal OR ancient 5 from party = 7k mmr?

    Before the change after calibrate u were getting legend 4 and u need 1 more win for legend 5


      Dude u got ancient due to ur solo mmr not ur party mmr, party mmr is capped at legend 5


        I'm ancient 2 with 4600 solo and 5500 party. Didn't get any medals since the change to party mmr. Not sure how it works, if it even does :P


          You can now get Ancient 5 on party- Yesterdays Patch.

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            Either this is not true or Valve is too lazy to update our medals. I'm still Legend 5 with 4.8k Party. I don't play solo that much and this is annoying since Ancient 0/1 players wont let me play a core role. When I'm in a 3 or 2 man stack.


              Fucking gg my party mmr is 4.4k and still legend 5