General Discussion

General DiscussionIf I just pick slark, I get out of 3k fast

If I just pick slark, I get out of 3k fast in General Discussion

    just fkn lol

    I've been trying to play a variety of heroes, I should have just been playing slark. I am slark. I am a slark player.

    Back to my roots

    Back to mid 4k life

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        Nobody cares mate


          I care. Every Slark win increases my feeling of satisfaction, in a sadistic fashion.


            Slark is a shit hero


              why do u think ppl care these threads


                No one needs to care, my friend.

                I care.

                And that's all that matters.

                Plus, there are 4 replies, therefore, my thread is objectively cared for. You guys are just lame ass haters with shitty personalities haha.


                  I’m happy for you!!!!!


                    Dude if only u care and are so arrogant then y post it in a forum????

                    Friendly player

                      Then why did u post that useless information on forums


                        I'm sad


                          I find it interesting he can win with such an awful hero. Imagine if you played the hero before they nerfed him into the abbyss?


                            lol what makes him awful? he is the same as ever in my opinion.

                            and I used to own with him before he got "nerfed" (I haven't read patch notes since like 6.97 so idk. But he gets really hard to win with in upper 4k; I played a game on my friend's mid 5k account when I was mid 4k and I did very very well because I know slark so well, but I still lost haha

                            I love how good I am with slark, but man I really wish I knew a few other, more general heroes as well as him. I wish I was really good at a support, like lion, too. But I just never "click" with any other hero than Slark.. damn it


                              I care because slark is a terrible hero to play against. Like storm. Nothing worse than a slark that just picks you off whenever you go out to a lane solo. No fun at all.

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                as opposed to any other core that has invis, mobility or burst damage

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  bloodseeker for example


                                    I care bro so ignore those haters. Haha


                                      lol 12 win streak as slark now holy shit. I got cute and picked sven earlier and ofc I lost. I knew I shoulda just played Slark...

                                      @dreux, well I know I would not play blood as well as slark because I have played so much slark. and I believe slark has more solo carry potential, because you're not so limited with how often you can be a real threat.

                                      @Murranji, I know. It makes me laugh a lot when I know we won already because I know exactly what to do. I get my shadowblade 12 - 14 mins in, and I already know they're fucked. I can see in their "Body language" that they already know it's over, and I fucking laugh at their misery. And then they get buttfucked for about 40 minutes when they already know they lost like 15 mins in haha. Wasting their time as I just get fatter and fatter and make their team seethe with anger It's a sadistic pleasure.

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                        why would you get echo before madness on sven


                                          @Murranji, I know. It makes me laugh a lot when I know we won already because I know exactly what to do. I get my shadowblade 12 - 14 mins in, and I already know they're fucked. I can see in their "Body language" that they already know it's over, and I fucking laugh at their misery. And then they get buttfucked for about 40 minutes when they already know they lost like 15 mins in haha. Wasting their time as I just get fatter and fatter and make their team seethe with anger It's a sadistic pleasure.

                                          this may be the worst thing i have ever read


                                            what the hell is wrong with this person?


                                              That slark spam would work in 3k.

                                              Any higher you'll get pooped on by Enchantress offlane.

                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                Nani? Its actually interesting for me. Because its a shit hero and he can win with good score actually

                                                May i ask you how you play it mate? Lmao

                                                Lruce Bee

                                                  slark players are often evil


                                                    Slark player for fckin 1k scrub lord and acc buyer

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      Why are you bragging about winning in 3k when you have like 7000 matches played?

                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        idk which one is worse
                                                        op himself or the kids who reply
                                                        most likely the latter


                                                          lmao 13 win streak now with slark.

                                                          what the hell is wrong with this person?

                                                          I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one. She's all 99 of 'em; I need a machine gun.

                                                          Why are you bragging about winning in 3k when you have like 7000 matches played?

                                                          I mean, does it matter? I've been on the rim of 5K before. All I did is broadcast my enjoyment for the lul

                                                          May i ask you how you play it mate? Lmao

                                                          I mean, slark IS squishy lol some people don't understand their limits.


                                                            How do you not get bored?

                                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                              I want to be a part of the discussion too


                                                                Bored of slark, or dota? If you mean slark, it's because I know I'm really good at him and my KDA is really impressive along with my winrate with the guy, so I am psyched to try to get it up even more. And it never gets old to see the team tilt ahaha. I just wait for the carry to go to their jungle for example, and strike again and again until eventually they say something like "Wow. Did you just attack me? You're so good." :)

                                                                Plus, with Slark, I don't have to worry about my team playing well or not. I'm basically a smurf and can blame myself for the loss for sure.

                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                  OP teach me slark i will teach you riki and luna

                                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                                    if u were close to 5k, how u drop to 3k?

                                                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                      Than play slark, who's stopping you?
                                                                      Well the other players, if he gets banned


                                                                        lol I'm laughing even now just thinking about this match from yesterday

                                                                        It's so funny to make people tilt. Look at his team rage and the luna too and I just make them tilt even more to increase my advantage. It's power. Power gives deep emotions, it's both disgusting and beautiful for the person wielding it. Human nature is fucked up :s

                                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                          With such thoughts process why won't you play support more often?


                                                                            OP teach me slark i will teach you riki and luna

                                                                            I wouldn't be able to learn anything from you. You would need to be 5.5k minimum, below that the difference is not big enough. I even doubt my 5.5k friend could help me play better. There's just not enough of a superior perspective with the relatively small skill difference.

                                                                            if u were close to 5k, how u drop to 3k?

                                                                            I was 4955 in 2015 (from playing a wide variety of heroes, mind you).

                                                                            Hmm, well I didn't play much dota this year because I was working a lot. I didn't read ANY of the patch notes since like 6.97 I believe. A lot has changed and I basically winged it in ranked, didn't care about losing etc. I did struggle to climb to 5K though regardless, but I always maintain 4.3 - 4.7.

                                                                            I don't have an answer. I simply am unable to rise beyond that level. I would go from 4.8k to 3.8 - 3.9k over and over. Seriously, from getting a pro every other game, to 3k. It's absurd. I take the game a lot less seriously now.


                                                                              Slark in 2017 OMEGALUL


                                                                                With such thoughts process why won't you play support more often?

                                                                                I usually call carry first, I try to call it really fast.

                                                                                I want to carry because it gives the highest probability that I can win the game by myself, currently, because I am in just 3k. If someone else wants it or calls it first I'll support. However, I'm just not very good at supporting.

                                                                                I find it better to support higher MMR players, like 4.6+ when I'm lower, but even then -- it just doesn't seem to work out over time. I feel the NEED to be picking carry every game. It's a tough situation.


                                                                                  Jebaited it's 2018 now haHAA

                                                                                  I just pick Sven sf storm viper and the occasional tinker pa or some other hero to try to counter the enemy.


                                                                                    Imo u don't need to hero spam to win games
                                                                                    I can play a fair amt of heroes and I pick a situational hero when I'm sure I'll win, otherwise I fall back on my core.


                                                                                      Yeah I always pick situationally, I've been doing that for like 3 years now, but Slark is one of my main guys. If I see for example a bristleback, tiny, tide, I know I can just use essence shift to rek them... or if I see a spectre.

                                                                                      Earlier, I saw an am pick so I just picked PA because I am good with her. And she's good vs AM.

                                                                                      My range of picks just isn't big enough though. Like earlier I lost an sven game I could have easily won, because I suck at sven.. I coulda just won it with slark lol

                                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato



                                                                                          Sven is fucking ez
                                                                                          How do u beat a tide in lane
                                                                                          How do u beat a bristle in lane
                                                                                          Problem with slark is he is such an ass laner

                                                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                                                            I rather have a hero spammer on my team than some versatile retard divine player rushing aghs on omni, or picking any hero in general where they don't even understand their item or skill builds.


                                                                                              Ppl giving me shit for spamming lul


                                                                                                I'm not saying I play all 110+ heroes
                                                                                                I just have a pool of maybe 10ish heroes maybe more maybe less that I know I can play pretty well, and out of that maybe 2-4 comfort heroes I fall back on if I am not sure what I should pick.


                                                                                                  Jacked copying my hero dansgame explain?

                                                                                                  Kenny Dope

                                                                                                    Shit here I am thinking slark is ded hero. Supporting 2 games recently with slark as carry, lost badly on both because they just died too easily. Youre good slark player sir gg


                                                                                                      i have more games played on jugg than you.


                                                                                                        i hope to see more slark pickers, free mmr when i play pangolier against slark safelane.