General Discussion

General DiscussionMmr grinding is dead

Mmr grinding is dead in General Discussion

    People below 3.5 k can literally make infinite smurf acc to calibrate high and valve even supports this shit. For real 25 games required for unlocking ranked is pretty bad and makes the game unenjoyable for some experienced players and is it just me or do these so called smurfs only play carry.

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      Hello, smurfs aren't your issue. It's the fact yoy suck.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        why do 3.5ks bother you when you are like barely 2k yourself? dota is dead in general.

        Justin Weaver

          If you are referring to you as an experienced player I don't think so coz 90% core player having a 400gpm on am is not really advisable in any scenario, the problem is you, new accounts if they are seriously new will calibrate at herald U don't have to worry about it since you are crusader!


            Yeah I have low level accounts in every game. Pretty annoying at this point, but now we know how 5k players


              im still on a consistant climb. started at 2k in sep 2017 i think. i dont get you ppl complaining about what you get matched with. you climb because you are better than what you get matched with, you stick at your mmr when youre the same skill. doesnt matter who they are or what they are doing right/wrong. the only thing that matters is you doing better or not


                i dont get you ppl complaining about what you get matched with. you climb because you are better than what you get matched with, you stick at your mmr when youre the same skill. doesnt matter who they are or what they are doing right/wrong. the only thing that matters is you doing better or not

                Read it. Read it again. Memorize it.

                You are either climbing because you're better or you're not.


                  The problem is that newbies who dont haven't even played 30 matches are matched up with me, im bad but i have all rights to complain since its a free game. Its like han solo coming in every match after making a smurf and destroying my games. I suck as am so I stopped playing him.


                    Bet you literally 1 fucking thousand dollars that if I went on your account, I would be able to get hundreds of mmr with a high winrate, at least 60% winrate. And that's because I'm not that great, myself.

                    The problem is YOU.


                    Heed advice from people who have spent more time on the game, and sit down.

                    Edit: actually, if your MMR is 2k then I'd probably have 75 - 80%+ winrate. Maybe higher but for betting purposes I wouldn't want to inflate my guess too high.

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                      From one crusader to the next, what they're all telling you is 100% the truth. this isnt my first account but ive now put 400 hours on it while my old one has 1000. On the old one I was 500 mmr until i got better climbed 400 mmr got stuck at 900 never hit 1k, so I made this account and re calibrated to 1500 which ive been at for a while now. My point is what everyone is saying is true you people making new accounts and calibrating with you in a low skill bracket isnt the problem.

                      Palmen aus Plastik

                        it helps to remember that every match is a part of a bigger system. That is to say, if there are matches where you get ultra trash teammates, there will be matches where the enemy will get ultra trash teammates. So it evens out in the end to an equal distribution after 10 games or so. Left at that, you will have 50 percent winrate on an average because you are still relying on your team to be good or at least half decent. But, say if you are better than your competition. that winrate will be 75 percent at least, because aside from winning matches with good teammates, you are still winning half the matches which you had monkeys for teammates. This can only happen when you get better yourself.

                        Remember this is solo mmr grinding, which means your solo skill as a player is checked. For trying out organised strategy you may try party mmr matchmaking in groups of three. Gather a few friends and see where you stand there mmr-wise. Because even then, your individual skill is taken into account for calibration.


                          So what if people make smurf. They will be calibrated close to their true mmr anyway. Anyone below 3.5k wont calibrate above 3.5k


                            I successfully convinced 4 core picker who had higher medal than me to give me carry


                              are you talking about me


                                people still complain about solo ranked in team-based games.... pathetic


                                  I feel like grinding past 6k is going to be pointless unless they change the way this calibration system works. Its stupid that almost everyone from 6k flat up to almost 7k got recalibrated to exactly 6000 mmr. Im 5.8k and my goal is reaching 6k but im wondering if putting effort in solo que is even worth it if im gonna be brought down to 6k flat every time i recalibrate.

                                  Muhammad Sumbul

                                    Crusader 2 Normal skill bracket matches?.I am crusader 2(Playing ranked about after 4 years) and have matches in High Skill bracket.Why?Made a smurf account and am matched with ancients after about 15 games.

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