General Discussion

General DiscussionBroodmother

Broodmother in General Discussion
69 god

    My core player is invoker. 3 times I've met against broodmother mid. She easily broke the game. I tried the same. I sucked. Although I won the game I couldn't play it the way I should.
    Teach me the hero please.

    unbreakable spirit

      Gather your army, run at them like a retard and be an annoying piece of shit when need be, long story short :)

      69 god

        Yeah I try that but somehow I find myself not able to it the way those pro players do xD


          u need separate control groups for spiderlings and spiderites

          the hero can be devastating but is not simple or easy. try to learn from good brood players instead of just picking shit up naturally because u will build trash habits


            OR u could watch and analyze 6k+ players' replays for completely free!

            69 god

              Can I add you guys so that I could watch you play, maybe?


                what do I do when the entire enemy team starts camping your lane, such that you have to hide in trees for ages? getting 0 GPM?

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                  Nothing, you're winning other lanes