General Discussion

General DiscussionExtra inventory slots

Extra inventory slots in General Discussion
Story Time

    How long it will be until Valve will make a hero whose Ultimate will be an extra 1-3 slots in inventory?

    Pale Mannie

      in patch 9.99/10.00

      Dire Wolf

        That would be absurdly hard to balance.

        Potato Marshal

          Not really that hard when you have heroes like Arc and LD already


            That would be really bullshit, since a game, where you get 6. slotted is allready a rare thing plus you allready have Lonedruid.

            Dire Wolf

              I think it's hard to balance cus a hero can buy any item to go in that slot. At 6 they could just buy a bracer and hold it for a while. Branches, bracers, little items are actually more cost efficient than bigger ones but you are limited by slots.

              On the flip side, if you balance the hero so those little items aren't worth buying then they wait and buy an extra big one. It's one thing to say oh he's always going to have a s&y equivalent in that slot so we balance around that. But you could literally put anything there.

              Idk it just seems difficult to balance, not making too weak or too strong at various points of the game. And it requires no skill to just farm more items.

              Lone druid and arc both require some micro management and you can kill both of their advantages and they have cooldowns. Extra items doesn't.


                A better question is, how long will it be until they rip of Ornn from League and make a hero that can build items in lane.


                  you talking about LD?
                  the dude has 12 slots and 6 backpack


                    I would be happier with a larger range of items and their upgrades, that is why vessels is one of my favorite items currently in the game.

                    For example blade of alactrity being able to be used in more items. Same with Gauntlets of Strength, Slippers of agility and Mantle of inteligence for example. The idea is to influence people to buy fighting items that can either gain them early game advantage with shortage later on where those upgrades cost like 1500 max as a "big item", or they are able to go farm mode and go for some really big items with the risk of getting stomped.

                    I have the feeling that most matches in the last few patches are won by picking the right heroes where you can't really influence on the outcome by buying items.
                    Like this patch it is obviously lycan and last one it was necro and partially veno, before that was morphling if I remember right but all seem to have been focused on the same farming patterns and game expectations.

                    Adding more upgradable items in the early phase will(and that is a downside) make the game a bit more complex but will give more options for diverse strats that could benifit the game enjoyment for the players and(since e-sports is growing really big lately) also for the viewer...

                    Just my opinion.

                    Cheesy Wenis

                      Lone Druid is already a thing.


                        its just a boring way of putting something into the game that already exists in a better and more interesting way