General Discussion

General DiscussionThe medal is a lie

The medal is a lie in General Discussion

    I went form Legend 5 to Ancient 3 in 1 game a few wks ago. Right now my MMR is like 3.8k lol, I keep going mid and losing cuz I suck at SF.

    I kinda deseve Ancient 3 but not really.

    It's funny becauser my team ALWAYS lets me go carry and they never blame me for a loss. They say I'm higher skill and shit.

    Little do they know, I'm also a Legend 5.

    I love this glitch for me. It's great. <3

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      yes you're right a better medal doesn't magically make you a better player


        yet someone always abusing the power of medal "WTF WHY ARCHON PICKING SAFELANE GTFO LEMME CARRY U NOOB" while getting killed 5 times in past 10 min. As you said , medal doesn't magically make you a better player rofl fuck that guy who think they better


          I find that usually people that say "No don't pick carry I'm higher skill" 9 times out of 10 end up feeding.


            Its your party mmr dude, medal shown is the highest of party and solo. In this case your party mmr must be in Ancient 3.


              Well my party MMR was 4524. Ancient 3 is 4620. My party MMR is TBD.

              Soo lol


                Toldya it was bugged. You're still getting matched in 3.8k avg games.

                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  Well my party MMR was 4524. Ancient 3 is 4620. My party MMR is TBD.
                  Soo lol

                  uhhhhh wat?

                  Lruce Bee

                    It's not a bug. It's because of your party mmr. Which is why you shouldn't trust people who use their medals to claim a better position. It could just be party, or they dropped. Either way they should be close to your mmr if you are in the same game.


                      I got a game full of ancient on my main and there are only 2 legend. Thankfully i still got core


                        uhhhhh wat?

                        Well my party MMR was 4524. Ancient 3 is 4620. My party MMR is TBD.

                        Soo lol


                          i 1st calibrated my party mmr which sucks (it drop 1,5k in a year, now it hovers around 2,4~2,5k). i was calibrated at archon 4 but since valve's last medal update which upgrade the tier that you can get for party from legend to ancient, my medal got upgraded to legend 4 after a party q Ability Draft.

                          Lruce Bee

                            So what? It's obviously taken the medal based on party mmr, even if it is tbd and slightly under the calculated threshold. I got an upgrade in medal due to playing a tbd party game as well.

                            Lruce Bee

                              Conclusion: medal is not a lie. OP just doesn't know how it works.


                                I didn't get an upgrade in rank by playing party games, I got it by playing solo.

                                Conclusion: The medal is a lie. I am 3.8k MMR.


                                  it's your party mmr


                                    The medal is is really a lie cuz I calibrated at 3.4 both solo n party and I got archon 5 then I lost a lot of mmr went to 3016 solo mmr. Then after winning a single match I ranked up to legend on my smurf with my mmr 3035. this is really nonsense even on my main account my mmr is 4.2k but I'm still legend 5


                                      ^ cause ur not Sing Sing obviously



                                        Lruce Bee

                                          Oh my god you guys. It is because of your party mmr obviously. Not because of solo. Doesn't matter if you didn't play party it still took it into account.


                                            help my party is 4.5k and dropping why are party games so much harder


                                              party games are easy if you got friends that you always play with,i seriously prefer doing party rather than playing solo
                                              seriously,i want to be carried not carrying people i want my mmr in silver plates and diamond spoons


                                                The thing about the medals is that a lot of people's medal is higher than their actuall mmr. I climbed like 500 mmr in two weeks and now I'm almost always the lowest badge player on our team and yet I still ended up as captain in a couple of the captains mode games I played.


                                                  i always play with a 5-stack

                                                  my party is already 1.5k lower than my solo

                                                  games are still hard as fuck


                                                    It's not a glitch. They stated that they will display your highest medal achieved, always.


                                                      Frankly on my smurf ur supposed to be legend at 3.4k but I got archon 5 I calibrated party at 3.4k too but still archon 5 after some time my party was 3.2k and solo 3k then after just playing a single solo game I ranked up to legend at 3035


                                                        Now how's that not a glitch?


                                                          Yeah... The tabel from gamepedia about medal is wrong, need some correction. I got ancient[0] at 4,1k and ancient[1] at 4,2k.


                                                            you should bond and play alot games with them then,it's like that from the start but after you know your frens it feels really really good and fun
                                                            tip:my coach says you 5 should sleep together on the same bed and room to improve your bonding


                                                              I'm 4.2k and still legend 5?


                                                                Rinbone/singsing or whatever,

                                                                delete your previous post, you talk you 4k at your previous topic with singsing as op, now you 4,2k without playing single ranked? later you will talk you are 5k but still legend[5].


                                                                  2 days ago
                                                                  "yet someone always abusing the power of medal "WTF WHY ARCHON PICKING SAFELANE GTFO LEMME CARRY U NOOB" "

                                                                  Matchmaking is based on mmr not medals and I never pay attention whos got what medal in a game. So when I see a comment like that I insta mute that person and report it later for being a cancer.


                                                                    Xcel what u mean exactly?


                                                                      I'm 4k why would I say I'm 5k?