General Discussion

General Discussionplay well they said, mmr automatically comes to good players they said

play well they said, mmr automatically comes to good players they said in General Discussion

    in fact for every cookie you might dig up, there's many times more worth who are stuck in the trenches

    All of these people that are "stuck in the trenches" have to realize that 90% of them ARE the trenches.
    They are exactly where they are suppose to be, if you want to move on, get better - admit that and figure out how to beat it.


      Long story short: Dunning - Krueger

      You've successfully exhibited your capability to not understand actual psychological concepts and attached it to something which is absolutely in no fucking way correlated. Congratulations, you're now certified ignorant.

      A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

        Noob scrubs:)


          accurate 🤔


            doing well and losing isn't anything new, i have plenty of that





            so what, just get over it and move on to the next game


              yeah lol, it's not just skill and it's not just teammates. but then again it's a game, this was the place which puts skill as the only connotation to your mmr but it's not just that was my entire point


                you win the game by destroying ancient not by having good KDA
                if you are skilled enough, you should climb easily.

                tldr play better win more less complain


                  if you take a long form view skill and pick strategy are basically the only things that matter for ur mmr


                    You didn't play well, though. Your farm is very slow. You have minute 25 farm max in 44 minutes.

                    You got a late shadow blade for this shit tier MMR - 15 minutes. And then it took you another 14 minutes to learn from your mistakes I would assume, and you ended up purchasing after a whopping 14 minutes -- after AM has his Manta Style, LC has duel damage, tinker has damage -- a linkens. That's slow as fuck, and the lateness of the item shows a lack of forethought and game sense.

                    Having 18 kills doesn't mean you deserve to not be 1K. It just means 1K's are doing as 1K's do, and making stupid mistakes that even a bad player such as yourself can punish. Not trying to make you feel bad, but you want real advice that will help you grow, you get it from me.



                      Herald 2

                      49% winrate

                      "I am a good player"...

                      Made my day.

                      Get over this attitude and you might become good one day in the future. Saying "I am good" implies: "I do not have so much space to improve."

                      Trust me, all you know about dota is barley beeing able to control your hero on a very low lvl.

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        "I am a good player"...

                        Made my day.

                        Get over this attitude and you might become good one day in the future. Saying "I am good" implies: "I do not have so much space to improve."


                        you're a blind piece of shit who makes up shit is what you are

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          Im here to make this community great again. PPl have to point out the obv for you? You are herald 2, you have 49% winrate and yet you are not able to see the truth:

                          You are herald 2 boy. What the hell drives you to the conclusion that you are "good"? Cuz you made 18 kills in a game?


                            LMFAO.. I agree dude. He had it coming to him when he created this stupid ass thread... in over 800 games he loses 1% more than he wins and he's coming here to say he's good? Why? Just admit you have things to learn.. jeez


                              0 idea why you’re still here unless you’re just looking to argue. Looks like you’ve gotten a response suitable to your situation. There’s no doubt that in the long run, the only factors that affect mmr to any degree of significance is mechanical skill and knowledge. Any attempt to pass off this idea that bad teams is something thats going to have any noticeable effect on your mmr in the long run is silly. Everyone has bad teams, it’s just a part of dota. This is really overused but the chance of the other team throwing intentionally is always higher as long as you never give up. That being said, good luck with your grind. I found that watching Gameleap videos on Youtube as well as PVGNA guides helped a little in the way of improving. Fastest way to improve is playing with someone better than you who is willing to point out all your mistakes and tell you how to improve. It’ll be a lot less toxic than wading through these forums for advice.

                              Also, to the guy who is trying to talk down to the guardian, shut up. Many people have already clearly explained to him why he lost and where he can improve. The concept “good” is also relative to a standard. Your definition of good makes no sense whatsoever.

                              Maybe actually try be helpful instead of rubbing your dick and shit talking lower bracket players.


                                I never said I'm good, and for the people who bothered to give any advice, ty.
                                Sometimes when you're playing in my bracket you get players who don't try at all making it even more difficult to rank up, and that's all I was trying to say.
                                Don't make up shit I never said ffs.


                                  if i do well and still lose i dont get too upset. at least i was doing osmething right, and i think about why we still lost. isnt it more tilting to lose because u r playing like shit


                                    Here's a bane where I tried for the team and lost:
                                    Here's a pheonix where I just played just like that but we still won because we had an easy opposition:

                                    Dota is a team game at the end of the day so I think the only advice I can understand is shrug it off and move on. 🤔


                                      you win the game by destroying ancient not by having good KDA

                                      stop criticizing your teammates, you are toxic btw. you think we didn't meet situation like yours?

                                      Do you even know how to maintain your lead when you are dominating in game?
                                      you are probably roaming mindlessly every game without pushing towers when possible.


                                        I realize you got a lot of kills but I don't actually thing you played all that well having watched the game.

                                        A lot of the kills were opportunistic and as a safelane you seemed to always been the last one in picking on what you could rather than making the initiations or plays yourself.

                                        I have no words for your itemization, the linkens was probably the only decent item you got that entire game and on top of that you farmed horrifically slow, and you just got outfarmed by more cores than your team could deal with.

                                        Earlier blademail would have probably done more for you than going for a Skadi, that item almost has no place on a Bloodseeker.

                                        Stacking health with no damage isn't really going to help you and none of your skills sets help each other.

                                        Going for rite cooldown, and damage makes sense. Going for HP so your can get damage items than paring that with the MS/ATK makes sense. You did neither of those things.

                                        ...this game was painful to watch as bad as the opponents were you're clown squad was worse and that included you. Get over yourself getting kills in a game doesn't mean you contributed all that massively.


                                          Actually looking through your games I see a tread of awful itemization, stat building, and hunting kills while ignoring objectives. Playing with a few of my friends who are better than I am taught me that you don't always need to fight. Sometimes grabbing an objective is much more beneficial in the long run then joining in a fight that may not have been in your favor to do.

                                          150 health on PA, Cleave talent over armor corruption (vs a bristle/Axe), and +25% evasion after 2 Mkbs.

                                          and heart on PA with no real dmg items...come on.


                                            why's 150 health supposed to be worse though


                                              I always pick armor corruption but in that game are you really telling me i should've gone for damage over durability. I'm not claiming to have played well but there was no team to back me up, sorry.

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                wait what op takes cleave and 25 evasion on pa?
                                                talk about poor life choices


                                                  the game was lost rip i was tryna keep myself alive just in case my team started playing good all of a sudden


                                                    i don't get the point of blaming teammates or saying ''dota is a team game'', which is clearly wrong as dota in a pub up to like 6-7k is simply NOT a team game.

                                                    the reason smurfs/boosters win 95-99% of games in your bracket is because of that fact: pub dota is not a team game, no matter how much you cry, no matter how much you want it to be, it simply isn't.

                                                    and that is a huge advantage, not a disadvantage. Well, to those with brain cells that is.

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      Nice winstreak


                                                        Cookie can shove his ego up his ass...but its too big to fit.
                                                        He just trashtalks or says" did u try pushing" or " git gud"
                                                        Inflated ego...just like eu mmr.
                                                        Keep on stroking your ego cookie...its beautiful


                                                          i mean its still a team game, just that the pub level is low enough that there is enough space for individual performance to outshine teamplay


                                                            Cookie, sometimes you say smart things, sometimes you are triggering as fuck, based on your bullshit, you should be world (1) rn, cuz u can win every game. Jesus get off the high horse, even WE CANT WIN ALL GAMES IN A FUCKING HERALD bracket if its F behaviour score. Get real... Stop telling those poor people that it's all their fault.


                                                              Instead of being an extremist you could try to find the aurea mediocritas. Thanks.


                                                                So cute, no one wants to hear these things because it's so painful to admit them to yourself.

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  Coinsidering the fact I've played several times on 1k accounts and I own 1k account I assure you, if I can win 85-90% of the games there, no fucking way 5k or higher woudlnt be able to win.

                                                                  The amount of stupid mistakes they make is just insane

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                  Tu tayta

                                                                    Sure, if you are exceptionally better than your teammates AND the opposing team, it stops being a team game, but that doesn't change the fact that the game is designed to be played as a team. Rofl

                                                                    If you play football/soccer (there, have both) profesionally, but for some reason you decide to play in a team with children, you being the only adult, against a team of only children, it doesn't change the fundamental fact that the game is a team game, it simply proves you are insecure if you do this willingly all the time.


                                                                      You want to compare it to football? there's no way you can play football as a team when the players can't even kick the ball

                                                                      regardless if football is a ''team game'' at it's core,

                                                                      you pass the ball to your teammates, they don't even kick it.

                                                                      they don't even send it to the opponents, they instead step on the ball, slip and break their ankle.

                                                                      no matter if you're a child or an adult playing in a child's game, the fact is everyone in that game (even could be you) doesn't even know how to move their legs, yet alone something advanced like how to strategize and play as a team.

                                                                      that is pub dota, so go ahead and break your ankles.

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                        Who wants to look in the mirror and live in the REAL world? Coping with a fantasy is more fun. It's way easier to look at those higher in the hierarchy and pretend it's all a roll of the dice.


                                                                        I guess it is a roll of the dice, sometimes. Some people just can't get better quickly (or at all); I can't seem to get past 5K no matter how much I play dota. However, to some people they can get 7K in 2,000 games. Some people can't get past 1K. 2K. 3K.

                                                                        But do I pretend it's not my fault I'm 4k? Nope. :)

                                                                        Tu tayta

                                                                          You want to compare it to football? there's no way you can play football as a team when the players can't even kick the ball

                                                                          regardless if football is a ''team game'' at it's core,

                                                                          you pass the ball to your teammates, they don't even kick it.

                                                                          they don't even send it to the opponents, they instead step on the ball, slip and break their ankle.

                                                                          no matter if you're a child or an adult playing in a child's game, the fact is everyone in that game (even could be you) doesn't even know how to move their legs, yet alone something advanced like how to strategize and play as a team.

                                                                          that is pub dota, so go ahead and break your ankles.

                                                                          ...or, since the ball is bound to reach you at some point, even if it's by accident, you can score all the goals yourself, no matter how many broken ankles everybody else gets. You could compare that to a 7k player regularly killing everybody in the other team for farm and doing all the pushing himself in a 2k average game via smurfing.

                                                                          Nothing you wrote changes the fact that those games are meant to be team games or that a smurfer is willingly choosing to play with players who may as well be playing only with their mouse, if we take in consideration the difference in skill.
                                                                          Sure, amateurs in football will merely try to run, kick the ball and hope they score a goal when they think there's an opportunity to do so, but even then, there will be some semblance of teamplay whenever they realize there's no way they'll score a goal and pass the ball to another player.

                                                                          Likewise, low skill dota players, even if what they do may make one believe otherwise, actually know that the game ends when an ancient is destroyed (no matter if they just give up and begin to afk farm). Even if everyone is doing their own thing, there will be some semblance of team play in fights or when they finally realize they can win if they all push together when the other team can't defend.

                                                                          Give me a moment, I'll have my broken ankle examined.


                                                                            Here is this bane bla bla

                                                                            Simple logic:

                                                                            Your entire team and the enemy team are setup by matchmaking. Your team combinded and enemy team combined has the same matchmaking-rating.

                                                                            If you are better than your teammates (you are not) it should be 4 retards plus you against 5 retards. So in the long run you should climb with a winrate above 50%.

                                                                            Hard truth: You do not.

                                                                            Ergo: You are not better than your mates (in fact you are worse, since you sit on below 50% winrate).

                                                                            This: "I lose cuz team is bad", was discussed here so many times.


                                                                            You lose more than you win, because you are utter garbage. You are almost the lowest possible garbage out there. Hell, when i watch my replays, I can ez point out 10 bIg mistakes and many more small mistakes I make every game I play.

                                                                            I am garbage in this dota world and you do not even exsist.

                                                                            Want to gid gud:

                                                                            1. Watch how pros do it.

                                                                            2. Watch how you do it (replays).

                                                                            Compare 1. and 2. Try to be more like 1. and less like 2. (aka you).

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              But... Motomboman. You need to be a naise goi and give him a ribbon for getting a lot of kills! And a sticker for only dying 6 times! He is a very amazing player! Do not tell him he is not perfect! How can you tell him he is not perfect? That is so mean. We need to be congratulating him on his ability to kill 1k players 18 times in 1 match. He is a great dude! Sure, he can't win, but he can kill 1ks a lot! We need to get him a star sticker for his effort!

                                                                              How dare you even say that he is not the only person in the world? How fucking dare you. Only he exists. How dare you.

                                                                              How dare you advocate self-responsibility and self-awareness.

                                                                              How. Fucking. Dare You.

                                                                              You are so toxic.

                                                                              Leave OP alone. He didn't ask for any of this.

                                                                              He just wanted to share how he's much better than his team, even though he can't win. Look, he got a fucking 3.8 KDA as bloodseeker in 1K. See? He deserves to be 5K. Fucking asswipe. Leave him alone!! He does not deserve to be treated in a mean way for creating the 999999th "everyone sucks but me" thread.


                                                                                resembling something and being that thing isn't the same.

                                                                                shit resembles chocolate pudding, but you wouldn't eat it.

                                                                                Well, unless you think that low pub dota is a team game, then who am i to stop you.

                                                                                Tu tayta

                                                                                  resembling something and being that thing isn't the same.

                                                                                  Fire is hot and ice is cold.

                                                                                  Well, there is nothing more to be said.


                                                                                    The thing I really like about Planes is that we learn that WWII happened in the Cars universe. Which means there was a Cars Hitler, a Cars holocaust, a Cars Pacific War, a Cars D-Day, a Cars nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a Cars Rape of Nanking, a Cars Battle of Iwo Jima...

                                                                                    This leads to so many important questions, like: were the Cars Little Boy and Fat Man nukes sentient? Was it a suicide mission? Are ALL Cars nuclear weapons sentient? Did Tsar Bomba have a personality?

                                                                                    What kind of car was Car Hitler? A VW? A forklift?

                                                                                    Was there a Cars 9/11? Were the planes hijacked, or were the planes themselves radicalized?

                                                                                    I could go on

                                                                                    Edit: I just realized a Cars 9/11 gives a whole new layer of meaning to the phrase "let's roll"


                                                                                      go on go on


                                                                                        I sexually Identify as a LA̕͏͜M̴̨̀͠B̨͘͟͝͝O̴͟͢͠RGHINI. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of DRIVing UP HERE IN THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS. People say to me that a person being a LAMBORGHINI is Impossible and I’m MATERIALISTIC but I don’t care, I’m this NEW LAMBORG̡͏͏H̡͢Į͡NI HERE. I’m having a plastic surgeon install , 7 NEW bookshelves and 2000 new books on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “NEW LAMBORGHINI HERE” and respect my right to DRIVE UP HERE IN THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS. If you can’t accept me you’re a LAMBOphobe and need to check your ̡GNA͏WL͞I̛DGE. Thank you, and I'll see you on my website.


                                                                                          Last year cookie said dota isn't a team game until you reach 5k. Now he says it's 6k. what next? 7k?


                                                                                            lol it's a game and i don't really care for your insults because you're making them under this shit guise of an internet identity like I'd honestly just punch you in the face for the lulz irl

                                                                                            just be nice people ffs, it's not that hard; no one is asking you to sugarcoat it, but if you're being arrogant over a self-made identity go ahead, i want to see you play in a TI-level team and earn for yourself if you can


                                                                                              I seen chaoshype in person.
                                                                                              Dudes got a fat belly and twig arms
                                                                                              His punch would do nothing.


                                                                                                :( i trie


                                                                                                  I cant win every game in 3k if ur beh score is F like mine


                                                                                                    Everygame game me or my enemie buyback feed dest items almost every fucking way

                                                                                                    And theres no way to win a game where ur safelane core delete items from min 5 no way and its often in my beh score games