General Discussion

General DiscussionBuff arc warden pls

Buff arc warden pls in General Discussion

    Sub 50% wr across all bracket.

    Bring back tempest double copy rapier


      arc warden is for gay people


        Speak for yourself

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            no jesus


              I believe he should be buffed too. but with that logic they should buff am who has sub 50% across brackets


                Tempest rapier was a gimmick and lost possibly even more games than it carried. Zet is good if you can create space for him to get ahead (gank mid etc.), and works well with pushers like NP - Zet pushes the lane to the enemy tower, NP helps him get the tower itself


                  @kermit but am have high wr, it mean he is still way better than arc. And since playing arc require decent micromanagement skill, he deserved higher wr


                    He really does, And im sure he'll get some love eventually just like gyro did because now he's a decent hero. Id also like to see brood be a a highly picked hero.


                      this mentality is why visage and meepo get patches where that have 60% winrate in 5k btw. icefrog shouldnt just hand you a busted hero because you found your tab key


                        Well brood, visage, and meepo have been in decent recently. When was the last time you saw arc warden with wr above 50


                          he should never ever have winrate above 50. if you want to fix the hero just replace the dogshit hp talent with +50 damage, which in itself is a huge buff. bringing back that stupid rapier cheese is just regressive

                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            Midas MoM bkb BoT Rapier incoming?

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              the good old days where i would feed for 50 minutes then get 2 rapiers and mega my enemies in 3 minutes
                              yes please

                              mom said it's my turn on ...

                                Arc warden is just fine. old rapier double was just too game-losing in more instances than it is game winning.


                                  Its hard to play -nature drops its winrate

                                  Bill Cutting

                                    He just gets run over in the current meta - but that will change with time

                                    Luckily I play in a bracket with no meta so arc still okay


                                      i want the purge effect on spark wraith back, i would even buy 4,2k gold item (aghanims) to get it back. Come on icefrog, give back the purge!