General Discussion

General DiscussionRampage

Rampage in General Discussion


    I want to know some heroes for rampage, after patch 7.00 I just can't rampage anymore.

    My first was with bloodseeker when dota 2 was still beta and my last was with OD at 6. something.

    I am not that good than an easy hero would be nice.

    Pale Mannie

      techies if enemy team is dumb as bread


        I have one rampage ever.... it was Pugna.

        so go with pugna


          i would say PA , just go greed and try ur luck hitting all those crit, oh and sven is good too , actually u just need a decent teammate who can set the teamfight for you

          Dire Wolf

            Really any carry can get a rampage, it's more about your team setup. Your team needs to set you up for it, that means good cc so you can get to all the heroes, good dmg so bring them low but not so good that they kill steal. For example like enigma black hole, you jump in with sven and cleave 2-3 guys to death, proceed to finish off the rest.

            Another example is something like zeus, brings em all low with his ult, problem is if he has refresher to double ult and steals some kills.

            Mobility and burst are usually really good so a hero like PA who can jump between guys, or sven who has major burst if enemies are clumped up. Blood should still be decent actually since he's very fast. Anything ranged can be good like sniper, clinkz, drow, but with those guys you need more team setup so people don't just run from you.

            Spectre with a really good ult. Actually if you're just hunting for rampages maybe try refresher spectre with radiance.

            Pointy Shoes

              My bet is on DK if you play him as mid and manage to snowball.

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                Sven with Magnus/Enigma
                Zeus with pudge/other early ganker
                Huskar with Oracle maybe


                  a well farmed sven can bring down entire team in few second xD

                  Justin Weaver

                    OD is pretty good to get rampages, I've most of my rampages with OD, just gather int and if you are really aged of your enemy, you might one shot everyone with your ult,

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      in an ideal situation, axe is the easiest to get rampage with but this rarely will happen because axe is the first to die in a fight generally.




                          I’ve gotten so many rampages with OD, that I’m not even excited about it anymore.


                            undying. rush perservance, then buy aghs into boots


                              Meepo or spectre lul


                                out of my 16-17 rampages, 4 of them are pa
                                pa is super easy to cheese rampages with, if u just get a 12 min deso and slam ur face into the keyboard u cud get one


                                  Just watch Dota Watafak and try to copy what you see there kappa

                                  Player 345996680

                                    All my rampages are with either Shadow Fiend or Slark. When I think about it more, I do have a rampage with Riki and with AM, though.

                                    KGBlue Lives Matter

                                      Pretty much all my Rampages are with Viper though i have a couple from Venomancer, CM, and PA (lotta ultra kills from these guys.)

                                      Remember using PA to steal a buddy's Rampage. He was Sven and our Mag hit a five man RP and he pretty much melted them like a typical Sven. One more hit and he woulda had it but I blink striked in and first hit cleave crit them all and nabbed myself a rampage. I still remember the scream of RAAAAAGE over the voice chat when he realized I dicked him out of his rampage :D

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        "a well farmed sven can bring down entire team in few second xD"

                                        a team of idiots clumped up which is why it's sometimes easier on a mobile or ranged hero. OD and slark are good suggestions too. OD's ult can take out 2-3 and then right click the rest. Slark just snowballs super hard in late team fights. Luna seems decent enough.




                                            Zues would have too be the 'easiest' considering he damages all enemy heros in one spell.. get refresher you have that damage twice.


                                              Sven, void, ursa, gryo.