General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone else feeling the love after the update?

Anyone else feeling the love after the update? in General Discussion

    Even with the threat of 6 months ban ranked games seem more toxic than ever, and absolute hell to play. Flamers, ragers, lane stealers, junglers you name it. I even played 6 straight LP games and won them. and all those games had good teams who joke around and had fun. Seriously I think thats a pretty decent enough sample size. I know there are enough of these already in dotabuff but seriously, can anyone explain? LP is now better than normal ranked


      I think 6 month ban is just a meme, even most toxic people from my friend list who are openly racistic in matches and flame so hard that even i reported them and muted them couple of times even tho we were in stack! I get invited regulary by them to get them out of lp games. When i asked them about behavior score only one had C, from what i have heard you need to have an F and recive mutliple warnings before you get baned as final warning, so as you can see its not that easy to get that low i dont even think its possible?

      Also people are very easy on the trigger considering reports and you get so few of them, so chances that person who really deserves one will receive it is not very high.