General Discussion

General Discussioncalibration at its finest

calibration at its finest in General Discussion
mid or pinoy

    can anyone check my recent calibration games and tell me wtf is wrong with dota 2 calibration?


      May be it is bug or something.

      U got all hs and vhs and it should be legend 2


        Btw did u finish ur solo calibration?

        Avv. Fabio ciulla

          dont know man but there s something wrong..I am legend 4 player who plays a smurf with WD..75% of win rate KDA 4.21, alway among top dmgs and kills/assist everygame and i still dont get HS.. there s something wrong...i totally believe it..


            Play one more game, your mmr is probably 3.5k and your medal will jump to Legend I'm guessing.