General Discussion

General Discussion2k is too ez. How is 3k different from 2k ?

2k is too ez. How is 3k different from 2k ? in General Discussion
Nasir Khan Jan

    1.8 to 2.3 in a month. 86 percent win rate since I've joined this ez tier.


      i play on lower 3k, there is no much difference, most games i lost is because people dont know how to draft or simply dont care to draft they just pick what they want to play which 90% of the time doesnt end well. But honestly i play a lot with my friends and i have friends from guardian to divine. Only diference of game quality i have seen when i queued with my divine 2 friend and some higher ancients. That was the only time i felt im out of my league and i cant do shit in that match.

      So if you ask me everything under 4.5k is more or less the same just farming efficiency and map awareness changing, but reall dota starts above 4.5k. This is my personal opinion from my experience i had so far queing with friends, you may like it or not.


        Better team coordination but the skill is kinda the same


          Yeah you are right, individual skill is kinda the same but 3k players just understand that its a team based game and you need to cooperate to win, thats really it.


            just don't play doto on weekend

            Player 345996680

              but 3ks are bad at cooperating and they fuck up and a good solo carry player will beat it


                under 3K you stomp easy

                3K to 4K you get all the boosted monkeys and afk/ruiners and smurfs stomping you, this is matchmaking RNG center.

                anything under 5K is just trash anyway.


                  I didnt say they are good at cooperateing i just said they cooperate more than 2k players who are like "Oh look my team is pushing tower, i better quick farm up jungle for my item fuck towers"

                  under 3K you stomp easy

                  3K to 4K you get all the boosted monkeys and afk/ruiners and smurfs stomping you, this is matchmaking RNG center.

                  anything under 5K is just trash anyway.

                  Pretty much this im glad someone else see it this way, i get a lot of flak here for such claims for some reason, even tho you need few ranked matches to confirm them.

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    So i just hit 3k yesterday and ive played 10 games, I have to say 3k is definitely more coordinated than 2k (judging from these 10 games) but also the drafts are funny as fuck sometimes, and so are the players. So far Ive been enjoying it more than 2k cancer but lets see how long that lasts, or how long i can stay in 3k lol.


                      If you avoid playing on red days and counterpick a lot, you can stay here forever im orbiting around 3k for over a year now. :D


                        Sick player mate


                          differences i noticed are:
                          1. supports now occasionally TP in when enemy dives
                          2. they somewhat understand how roles work and you get less cores (because someone HAS to do it right?). occasional 2 carries mid is still a thing though
                          3. after every core kill there's more chance of pushing (still people are too retard to take full advantage)
                          4. you occasionally get some players with support hero specialties like Earth spirit (Annoying to chase/kill)
                          5. better picking and counter picking (slightly)
                          the rest of it is the same, laning skills are hardly any different and solo decision makings are just as bad.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          Black Wolf

                            I'm 3k and people still have no clue how to draft. People just pick whatever they want to play instead of what they have to play. I tend to try and fill the holes in our team. Mid is the only position I dont play.

                            unbreakable spirit

                              Most people got here by spamming some hero, so don't expect a wide variety in hero pool, might see some basic counter picking here and there, lots of Tinkers, pudge and invokers, you won't get two cores in the same lane. Supports are not rare here, skill wise we are not much different, just the slightly better, that's all

                              low prio master

                                In 1k we have 5k players anyway.

                                Best AA player NA

                                  i love how that one guy said anything below 5k is trash and hes at like 3366 mmr

                                  Best AA player NA

                                    there is literally a billion different reasons 2k 3k and 4k are different from eachother individual tilting map awareness positioning warding learning when its fine to die. there is no answer to that question man and there never will be. everyones different and everyone will have different things wrong with them when they play you have to eliminate your problems and hope you dont run into someones bad habit or tilt.

                                    casual gamer

                                      3K to 4K you get all the boosted monkeys and afk/ruiners and smurfs stomping you, this is matchmaking RNG center.

                                      lo, and behold

                                      a player believes that winning in the bracket he is stuck in is out of his control


                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                      The Frog King

                                        Too many factors. But Generally. A 2000 mmr player makes worse decisions than a 3000 mmr player.


                                          i was 2k last year, 3.5k right now, still winning >55%
                                          to me there was a noticable difference when i broke through 3.2k. ppl actually start to play as team. smokes are being used. supports buy detection when needed and rotate with their mid/off to pressure early tier1s. after teamfight, the winning team does actually take objectives.

                                          still poor map awarenes, trash carry rotations and farming patterns, cores dont usually try to end games when they peak early.
                                          also greedy midgame hg pushes vs low respawn timers when you could take a free rosh
                                          ppl forget to push lanes before sieging hg
                                          good carry players can win games on their own by cutting creepwaves behind enemy team, splitpushing and keeping the map pressure up


                                            Too many factors. But Generally. A 2000 mmr player makes worse decisions than a 3000 mmr player.

                                            I dont know, i have other account that my little bro gave to me that was guardian now its crusader, kill me if you like but i really havent noticed a considerable diference between those brackets, MMR is a very strange thing, i have seen some absolute clueless people there and some very good players (but they were probably smurfs cant tell for sure) in both guardian/crusader and my own archon/low legend bracket.

                                            But nothing really changes gameplay wise, they would still rather farm those few more stacks than group up and push, when they finaly decide to push enemy team respawns and then they circle around their highground like confused chickens and waste time unnecessary, poor control in team clashes they are pretty random and goofy.

                                            One thing is a constant, team that has more disables wins because you will rarely see early BKB on carries, before its too late. Also initiators are kings there! Teams that have a solid Shaker,Axe, Magnus, Tide even slardar, Warlock even rarely an Enigma is at huge advantage from the get go.

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              You don't notice because you don't understand the game and what to look out for. Welp. Some higher mmrs can't observe differences as well. Actually it's just a specific group of people who just aren't able to observe difference in plays. I don't know why this is. But you'll often hear them say things like there's no difference between 1-3k.

                                              I suspect it has to do with the way they approach the game. Or maybe general observation skills lacking


                                                I for one have been in 1k bracket and I can tell u Low 1ks are very different from high 1ks.

                                                I would say melts description of 3k is fairly accurate.

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                  observing differences from 2k and 3k mmr players is like observing differences between 2 planctons in size , 1 plancton can be 7 times larger in size than the other but for humans would be needed a rly good microscope to observe it.


                                                    I've found that people gank mid a lot more as you get to 3k, which has been problematic because I'm way to greedy in lane and play a lot of easy to gank heroes so that's been the hardest part for me.

                                                    SASA POPOVIC

                                                      You don't notice because you don't understand the game and what to look out for. Welp. Some higher mmrs can't observe differences as well. Actually it's just a specific group of people who just aren't able to observe difference in plays. I don't know why this is. But you'll often hear them say things like there's no difference between 1-3k.

                                                      I suspect it has to do with the way they approach the game. Or maybe general observation skills lacking

                                                      Okay what is the difference then, you wrote 4 paragraphs and said nothing. Bring facts into the thread not politician speeches.


                                                        In 5k, we have 1k or 2k players too

                                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                                          They are everywhere dude, i have 2 friends who do nothing all day but play dota, they are boosting selling accounts for the living

                                                          I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                            guys I beat divine's and players from the leaderboards in my games and I'm only 3k mmr!! WTF all these players are so bad, I can literally confirm that 3k > leaderboard.

                                                            casual gamer



                                                                My comment was on ppl lacking observation skill. U could write an essay on the differences. That's not my goal. read what melt wrote.


                                                                  check my most recent game.
                                                                  3,5k offlaner, comfort position and comfort hero for me in a 2k average game. watch the replay from my perspective, then watch again from anybody elses perspective and see if you noitice the differences

                                                                  dont mind the fact of the enemy pa being ancient on paper. hes a 1k player probably.


                                                                    mmr is just a number

                                                                    30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                                                                      2k 3k 4k is all no contest against me. Feels like they all same shit players. Only reason why i lose few games is because my team holds me down.

                                                                      SASA POPOVIC

                                                                        My comment was on ppl lacking observation skill. U could write an essay on the differences. That's not my goal. read what melt wrote.

                                                                        Congratulations! You honed your skills to observe soon to be a dead free to play game LUL!


                                                                        < blank >

                                                                          3ks can be described as 1 sentence:

                                                                          "It's everyone elses fault"

                                                                          Generally everyone blames other people for their own mistakes.

                                                                          Also people on 3k and low 4k tend to get into 5 man groups - making it super easy to grind mmr with split pushers eg. Lycan or heros that benefit from enemies playing together eg. Sven, Magnus, Enigma, Invoker.

                                                                          2-1-2 is still stronk in 3ks


                                                                            Can't deny it's a dead game. But observation skills go beyond Dota my Friend. Lul


                                                                              The difference is smallest And huge in the same time. Slightly better decision making (farm one more wave or not, tp to empty Lane instead being in danger, grouping Up, warding more).

                                                                              IT Is slight difference with big impact. But sure, you Will meet as well toxic teams, people Fighting over Lane And completely losing the Lane afterwards, weird Picks (am into pushing lineups, pudge as mid/offlane, 5melee Heroes).

                                                                              So yea, not noticible differences.


                                                                                Lots of very noticeable differences, but i dunno how to explain it. I have an account that was 2K before the medal update, I play there when I want to burn some steam and rage without care(because I try to be nicer when on this account), and the overall abilities of 2Ks is just... off. On average of course; there are always outliers.

                                                                                Story Time

                                                                                  look, 2k is the bracket for leasure players who have like >5 games that they play usually and master neither of them. They just come to fool around. The 3k stay in dota longer and are more familiar to the interaction of heros and spells and map awareness, but only on paper. 3k also do not play exclusively dota, but can try hard from time to time

                                                                                  mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                                                                                    Is this guy serious


                                                                                      best tinker player

                                                                                      2k 3k 4k is all no contest against me. Feels like they all same shit players. Only reason why i lose few games is because my team holds me down.

                                                                                      you have a negative k/d in most of your games

                                                                                      Nasir Khan Jan

                                                                                        Guys , update. I'm now 2447 Solo mmr. Halfway through 2k. With a win win rate approaching 90 percent. I've won my last 15 ranked games. Too ez. Hoping to see you guys in 3k.


                                                                                          ^ Like I told you, It wasn't about the AM but your own skills.
                                                                                          Waiting for my calibration (around 2.9k ish now i think). maybe we can race to higher MMRs.

                                                                                          Nasir Khan Jan



                                                                                              Why the region switch. You used to be all SEA, suddenly you play all your game in EU?
                                                                                              I'm calling bullshit. You bought a boost.

                                                                                              30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                                                                                                Your winrate means nothong as long as your mmr is lower than mine, im better. Dog!!!!

                                                                                                Nasir Khan Jan

                                                                                                  The reason for the region change is simple , I prefer EU West over SE Asia. The average number of flamers in EU west is lower than in SE Asia , so I tilt less. It's not like I play on Europe west exclusively. My recent game as Spectre , was played in SE Asia. I play on SE Asia time to time because of Ping issues too. I play on EU West with pings ranging mainly from 170-190 ms. I decided to play in SE Asia due to ping issues. The game isn't playable at 220>ms. I get lower Pings in SE Asia , but rather I'd prefer to play in EU despite the disadvantage in Pings.

                                                                                                  Nasir Khan Jan

                                                                                                    Yeah , sure it doesn't. But can you stomp 16 ranked games in a row in 2k bracket ?


                                                                                                      Haha did you buy a Low mmr AC


                                                                                                        2k 3k 4k is all no contest against me. Feels like they all same shit players. Only reason why i lose few games is because my team holds me down.

                                                                                                        Yeah keep telling yourself that. You are doing great ! Bravo !