General Discussion

General DiscussionAvg gpm,xpm etc. now can only be seen by friends?

Avg gpm,xpm etc. now can only be seen by friends? in General Discussion

    Great, now we cant see players ability to play core

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    Tu tayta

      (Almost) Everyone made retarded assumptions about those stats anyway. It'll probably be better this way, if it's true.


        Its because of retards like you that play core 100% of the time and then flame some1 if he doesn't let them go carry because he has a lower average gpm/xpm over last 20 games and they dont even know what heroes/positions he played. Obviously they should let you play core since you're such an amazing player with almost 2.5 KDA on storm and invoker in normal skill bracket.


          But, retards judge me from most played hero, they see that I display es on my profile, they assume that i will play roamer for them

          Pale Mannie

            omg pawg has 474 avg gpm better go supp retard you dont deserve mid or carry like me with my 475 avg gpm

            Pale Mannie

              typical legend/archon behaviour tbh i never saw that on crusader players

              Nasir Khan Jan

                How about yours , eh ? 400 gpm Doto. Best Doto.


                  I didnt say that player with high gpm should pick core and low gpm should play supp. Usually i compare their gpm and xpm with their statistic (that fighting farming supporting things) If someone have low gpm, low fighting, low pushing and high farming rate would you let that guy play carry?

                  Justin Weaver

                    Tbh crusaders are the worst shit in this entire Dota community

                    Potato Marshal

                      It was just an obnoxious way for people to steal mid or carry.


                        Very good! I dont like spoilers xD

                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                        low impact palyer

                          Being good at support does not make you bad at core, dipshit.

                          Potato Marshal

                            To be fair, I have sub 300 GPM and would not trust myself to mid or carry in my bracket.


                              I never said having 300 gpm mean youre bad at playng core, if a player have low support rate and having 400ish gpm then thats questionable. If someone with high support rate and around 300 gpm i never judge them as bas core player.

                              FYI dont you realize that this is actually a smurf acc. I only use this acc for practicing heroes


                                U are still dogshit and dumb

                                low impact palyer

                                  Support score is meaningless, you can get a perfect 10 by playing Wraith King as a regular carry and a 4 by roaming and dewarding. How this shit works internally is intentionally nebulous to prevent abuse.

                                    Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                      don't trust anyone , don't trust yourself

                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                        >sub50% winrate



                                          You will never get out of the legend bracket