General Discussion

General DiscussionBlademail on Huskar

Blademail on Huskar in General Discussion

    Huskar is the hero with the highest death in game, is easy to focus on (always on low HP, and right in the middle of the fight), and has crap armor and needs damage.
    Personally, If I see a Huskar with a blademail on I'll try to focus my spells and attacks on other heroes (also considering his high Health and the magic resistance), and every extra second he lives is tons of extra damage dealt to the enemy (That's why you see combos like Dazzle-Huskar)

    In my humble opinion everything blademail offers is needed by Huskar (armor, Damage, the active, even the inteligence).



      Yeah, it sits on him very well. I would't say that it's the corest of cores because you have items that are more important, but against burst comps it's super cool.


        gud idea in general, but doesnt fit huskar's job 90% of the games
        i'd concider blademail on him if i can get away without a bkb

        blademail = you deal more dmg while you get bursted/focused
        other common huskar items = it takes longer to take you down, you draw even more attention, you got a few more seconds to apply burning spears and to have your team do their thing


          If you need Armour get solar crest


            *cheap Armour


              well huskar doesnt really use the active component of a solar crest, and the evasion is less effective when you buy a halbert anyway
              casual platemail = same amoutn of armor for much less gold


                Blade mail really trash right now brother, i stopped using it on my centaur. Crest give a lot more impact and armor support to allies. Think bm only work on force to attack skill, just like call/duel yo


                  @Abdal Maleq
                  Huskar is a force to attack though, don't you think?


                    sometimes you know you can't attack an huskar
                    so it depends


                      Solar crest is super good on huskar, because you can apply the debuff to the enemy, and purge the debuff off of yourself by ulting


                        Huskar is a force to attack though, don't you think?

                        I mean the skill which force ya to attack someone despite their blade mail still active. For huskar, it consider u can just stop hitting huskar when he active different case brother


                          @Abdal Maleq
                          I know what you meant. But what I meant was leaving low HP Huskar with a lifesteal to attack for an extra 4.5 second does sound like a "must" attack anyways.

                          Yeah Solar Crest does sound like a great item on Huskar on paper (just like BM). both the evasion and armor are needed, and purging the debuff with Ulting does sound appealing. Something I will try soon.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            I rarely get blademail on Huskar, but I can see it being good vs. single target heroes such as PA or burst heroes such as Tinker/Zeus. It probably depends on how you like to play Huskar. (ex. diving with ult) It may be an okay pickup after armlet, but Heaven's halberd into BKB is probably better because you mitigate both physical and magical damage with those two items.


                              bm? just tp


                                You don't have to go halberd every game. Evasion is same reason u get solar. It's an alternative. A good build used to be armlet AC cuz protecting against Physical Is very important for huskar. No don't buy casual platemail.


                                  u almost always go halberd
                                  that being said, there is nothing wrong with going both solar and halberd
                                  you go solar first if you are far enough ahead that they dont attack for enough to be worth disarming


                                    solar crest is also really good when facing evasion team (pa, brew, a radiance...)
                                    about the casual platemail: i like that idea->lotus orb is really good on huskar when enemy has a lot through bkb disables


                                      U wud rather have greaves than lotus