General Discussion

General DiscussionHELP 3K bracket

HELP 3K bracket in General Discussion

    Someone help me why I still lose in this game. Our cores are well farmed. Thankyou for your response.


      well farmed ? no , 500 gpm am is trash , 700 gpm is decent , since am can farm really fast with his bf . And also the enemy cores are too stronk


        Not as farmed as theirs haha suckit


          Am in 7.09

          шойгу где шарды

            Drop to 2k and start winning.
            The shitposting thread is the other way btw

            unbreakable spirit

              22k tower damage of dire VS 6.7k tower damage of your team, equation solved and their cores are more farmed than yours, you know why you lost, why ask that stupid question here 🤦

              Mlada i Luda

                you have a useles meddusa ( was she offlane probably ?). more than useles she actually is harmful for your team cause she takes farm from other cores, farm which is wasted cause she is still useles nothing to offer for your team. the only way you win that game is by am understanding his role and split push the enemy to death and never participate ina team fight since is clear you have no way of wining team fights, simple cause you have no initation no control the only disable is bara charge, your team fight is garbage . so from your player perspective not that much you could actually do to win that. your options are limited , you cant play the heavy farming game cause you havea meddusa and am that takes a lot farm on map especially medusa that takes prety much all the safe farm, you cant group and fight cause as i said your team fight is 0.

                not saying that the game was 100% unwinable since if it was a 6k player instead of yo uwould probably destroy mid completely and snowball hard by killing theyr jug and invo repeatedly and finish that game for 20-25 min all by himself.


                  Basically his team draft was shit, period. Move on bro

                  rain markcawat

                    Your team hold you back ! I mean how can it posibbly be your fault because you are a 11/2 shadow fiend ;(

                    Master Warren

                      can i still reach VHS even though im only playing normal matches ? like 400+ games played already

                      brain damage

                        Maybe just more skilled


                          why you build sny+manta bruh