General Discussion

General DiscussionComment and and make references to where i went wrong, advice is welc...

Comment and and make references to where i went wrong, advice is welcomed in General Discussion
Cha Cha
    And for those who believe its possible to supp my way outta 3k how do i play
    Thanks for all the help n advice


      Try picking a support with hard disables instead of Skywrath when your team has no other support. Skywrath is a very greedy support who doesn't offer much until later on.


        building kaya as a pos 5 support sky? kek


          you need to be thinking, 'how do i maximize my impact'. and this doesnt change no matter what role.

          Cha Cha

            @Northern eclipse: thats fair advice, what supports do u recommend of that criteria that can play aggresively, and could you please advice more

            @jacked, yes you are right, but i got that when the game was pretty much over and wanted to see hwo the item interacts with his ult
            is there any other way, so in my third game, hwo do i maximise my impact, i had a safelane morph and am competing for farm, i won sf the lane, and fv the lane, deal prolly the most dmg on my team, is there anythign im missing? what would u have done differently?

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            Story Time

              spamming support, lol, impossible (kappa)


                what do you mean you build kaya because the game is over? if you have the money to build the components you could go for actual cheap support items to maximize your impact ESPECIALLY in a losing game.

                see this just tells me you completely didnt understand my initial advice.

                seems like you struggle more with attitude. you think having a safelane morph and am self-destructing is a reason for your loss and you don't look for ways to win.

                well but actual advice on the game is hard to give without watching it. im pretty sure if i watched it i could easily tell you that you probably did not win two lanes.



                    Some sample supports you could pick are Lion or Shadow Shaman. Lion is a good pick if they have any mana-dependent heroes, while Shaman is a solid pick if you just want to stun someone for years. In addition, once you get blink, it's pretty easy for you to splitpush lanes in your bracket, as there isn't as good communication/map awareness. Just remember, disables win games. It doesn't matter how farmed the enemy carry is, he can't do shit if he's stunned for ten seconds.

                    Cha Cha

                      @jacked by the game was over i meant enemy had mega creeps and they had an ez 20-30k gold lead, "see this just tells me you completely didnt understand my initial advice" ; 'how do i maximize my impact'... all im asking is how would you? why are u gettign angry for no reason, im jsut here trying to learn:)


                        pretty good advice. disables wins games at every bracket. except if you pick lion. this hero gets suggested a lot. but please do not pick lion. that hero is actually very hard to be successful with. go with CM,shaman,WD


                          @ OP the game is never over you fuckin cuck. im not angry. this is tough love

                          Cha Cha

                            and is it a good idea to run a pos4 that can transition to carry say a pos 4 dp or a pos 4 kunkka or prolly a gyro that rotates?