General Discussion

General Discussionconspiracy theory

conspiracy theory in General Discussion

    my feed has been flooded with people ranking up recently.

    there are many reports of people ranking up even though mmr didnt really change.

    i suspect valve is using medals to make everyone feel good so the game doesnt die, even if you are a 50% winrate cuck.


      wasn't it sort of said the medal system was made so every1 would keep climbing?

      you gain "exp" for your medal everytime you win but you don't when you lose


        lose any when u lose*


          it never said that. it just says you wont lose the highest medal you achieved. and it's widely accepted/established that the medal is pegged to some MMR. but now it seems its kinda abitrary.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            very dumb theory

            shits just bugged probably or has some unneccessarily complicated formula


              I guess, I hit Archon 5 when I reached 3050 MMR, and Legend 0 when I hit 3175mmr, not sure if thats accurate to the earlier table.

              chat banned :)

                nah thats not true there is a mmr equivalent to medal


                  yes we all know that. but valve shifts it so that people can feel like they're improving when they're not. like how you are trapped at the mmr cap. LUL

                  Story Time

                    my theory: medals represent not mmr per se but the rank in a distribution of all players, so that every medal includes a certain range of ranks (like ancient would be from 50 000 to 100 000 ranks of best players). So when distribution is affected by new accounts or more people climbing then medals' mmr values also shift. Currently with an inflow of new accs and grinding mmr of the 10% of players there even mediocre players look slightly better than before even when their mmr didnt change. So that is what u have now - inflations in medals among your friends

                    SASA POPOVIC

                      my theory: medals represent not mmr per se but the rank in a distribution of all players, so that every medal includes a certain range of ranks (like ancient would be from 50 000 to 100 000 ranks of best players). So when distribution is affected by new accounts or more people climbing then medals' mmr values also shift. Currently with an inflow of new accs and grinding mmr of the 10% of players there even mediocre players look slightly better than before even when their mmr didnt change. So that is what u have now - inflations in medals among your friends

                      I agree, it would be too simple if they are just representation of a fixed MMR than it wouldnt be new system at all just reskin of the old one, which doenst really makes sense, i mean people would figure it out eventually and just said "fuck it im out"

                      Story Time

                        Ok, here is the link to what i say but supported by some data-mining

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          Well its logical i mean at the end if we just watch our MMR like before, whats the point of this badges system anyway, might aswell leave it as before.


                            Story Time is right. Also, just stop worrying about it. It literally means nothing unless you're actually improving at the game. Measure things that are actually important, not some fucking medal you got because you spammed tinker for 6 weeks.

                            casual gamer

                              wow look at this guy firing shots pew pew

                              Cheesy Wenis

                                Who needs cold, hard data when we have beliefs, feelings and anecdotal experience? I believe there's a conspiracy out to get me, so there probably is.

                                casual gamer

                                  well you cant see deranking unless the guys divine 5+, so if u have a large fl you may see lots of ranking and not the inevitable backslide when their teammates dumpster them