General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I get 4 or 5k MMR?

How can I get 4 or 5k MMR? in General Discussion
Black Mage ^ _ ^

    Please Give me advise on how will I get that... I usually play support and semi support


      You get 4k by being better than 3k players.

      You get 5k by being better than 4k players.

      Saucy Edwin

        While I can't personally talk about the 4-5k bracket, my guess is that you are asking this from a 2nd account. In my own experience, a new account is not going to magically get you to higher brackets. Even if you do place higher, you're only going to end up falling back down in rank as soon as the new season hits. If i were you, I would pick a couple heroes you know well, and try to learn as much about them as you can from watching streams, videos, or other guides, specifically form pro players who know how to play them well. I would also recommend watching your replays critically to try and find how to play each hero better.

        Also something people in low MMRs don't understand is how important when you pick your hero is. If you have the ability to pick later in the draft, try as hard as you can to pick a support who can counter as many enemy heroes as possible. If not, I would pick a hero that is a lot more well rounded, such as Shadow Shaman, Lion, Witch Doctor, or Bounty if you want to play position 4.

        Other than that, try to improve mechanical skills, map awareness, and other things. Since you play support, try to learn exactly how you should be positioned with different heroes depending on your role in the fights. Take for example an Enigma. Does your team need you to catch out one or two cores and isolate them before the fight starts, or do you need to stay back and be ready for a good counter initiation black hole? It all depends on the game.

        That's all I got. Just remember that I'm not actually 4k yet, but I'm pretty close, I just don't play a stupid amount of ranked. Good luck in the climb.

        Black Mage ^ _ ^

          what hero has a good VHS?


            first ur choice of support and semi support are too highly item depended and teammate depended.

            Saucy Edwin

              There are plenty of heroes that can be good in VHS, but none of that matters if you suck with the hero. For example, Chen can be SUPER good, but you need to know how to play him, or you just feed gold and deaths to the enemy team.

              Black Mage ^ _ ^

                how come I only get HS not VHS?


                  Watch smurfs on twitch and youtube.
                  Road to reformation, a smufer in 3.8 k mmr with a 7k main.
                  Really shows how to get that 4-5k mmr.
                  Was 3.3k last month btw.

                  michael sassbender

                    get good

                    Alien Righteousness

                      Spam a hero.


                        i reach 4950 using supports. add me 9405644 dont forget to leave a message

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          play more :)


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