General Discussion

General DiscussionI honestly feel bad for Lil

I honestly feel bad for Lil in General Discussion

    I can understand why Lil was kicked, it was his responsibility to make the cut and VP did what they needed to from a professional standpoint, but watching the end of the LAN was just heartwrenching.

    Lil doesn't really come across the way his fat pissant of a manager portrayed him, even if he did contribute to the roster swap drama. He seems to me like an emotionally immature kid that has trouble understanding social situations, which is unsurprising given his line of work, and I imagine his fifteen minutes of fame gave him an escape when he couldn't take the pressure. He needed a wake up call, but now I'm a little worried his self-esteem was crushed. An embarrassment like that can be hard to live down for anyone and I was really hoping he would start to move forward after he owned up to his mistakes.

    The worst part, though, is that now he has to play for Navi. No one deserves that.


      Shut up lol


        Dude what are you talking about navi has all the Money$ he needs that's why he agreed to come there. Why do you think dendi has been playing for them for all these years? Loyalty?

        True North

          Kek. Lil has given you something to talk about.


            The fuck is that supposed to mean?


              gaining money isn't about winning tournaments
              it's all about sponsorship and ect
              so yeah lil isn't one to be complaining about


                The Problem is that Pro player start their carrers too young and some times don't have the opportunity to realy know how this kind of situation is commom.
                Esports have a high rotatity and roster changes, so they have to face situations like "get fired" without being emotional stable because of their age.


                  imagine EG gets 8th place at TI again.

                  they kick sumail, after him responding to every troll and twittering stuff about him being the greatest.

                  he would be a broken kid.

                  I kind of like then thought