General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat happened to Beastmaster?

What happened to Beastmaster? in General Discussion

    There was a time like 3 patches ago when he was being picked like crazy and his pick and win rates when up like 5% each.

    Then it all stopped. What was so good about him that changed causing people to stop picking him?

    #1 Philippine player

      His axes have a debuff that causes you to get more damage. Combine that with kotol blast and the enemy carry just can't do anything.
      The carries would obviously try to dodge the blast, but then the lane will push and they have to CS under tower. so ya, very sad for the carries.

      But then the gyro meta came along, and the enemy supports just stacked jungle camps and ancients. Allowing gyro to comeback later, and given that gyro is very strong in lane, couple him with decent trilane they can just run them down and kill them. Gyro also can clear creeps by spamming rocket barrage. So yeah, gyro = no more bm kotl dual lane.

      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        the changes to the woods mostly, also the meta shifted from farming passive offlaners to diruptive ones

        he's still viable and sometimes picked in pro plays

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Axes debuff only works for beastmaster and his units, not all fucking damage holy shit that would be a mess.

          Questo commento è stato modificato
          one syllable anglo-saxon

            OSFrog good idea OSFrog


              I play beastmaster brother and the 2nd skill cd was too long. Buff it 45scd maybe and...give back that separate hawk. It so dizzy summoning them all and the hawk ended diving the tower like hulk because i mess up the control unit

              U can try too brother. But this hero still good..just his 2nd skill was really confusing now brother


                If ur against a weak melee lane, going max axes bm and getting smth like phase blight or phase oov means u can tear through people
                Io + bm sounds kinda nuts

                Potato Marshal

                  I don't think BM has ever been popular

                  주 롄양

                    surprising statement come from blue star


                      My understanding was that he was picked to jungle with iron talon. No iron talon = no beastmaster.

                      Lruce Bee

                        Beast is like a carry by himself and all his units.

                        Lruce Bee

                          It's offlane duallanes now. Imagine beastmaster with an IO or eldertitan. Say bye bye to your meta safelaners that can't do anything like Pa ancient apparition.

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            No iron talon = no beastmaster.

                            sPECTRE GOOnD HIRO