General Discussion

General DiscussionJust reach ancient

Just reach ancient in General Discussion

    What u guys think in this bracket to gain MORE mmr? Spamming 5 heroes or versatility(countering)?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Spamming around 10 heroes


        @ iwuvyoushomuch
        thankyou bro


          R O F L


            By understanding how a small thing can give you an edge over your opponents.


              1 hero pool is more than enough to reach 5-6k

              Potato Marshal

                Versatility is a meme meant to keep normie skill scrubs stuck below legend.

                have fun

                  if you good at support and have decent cores climbing is easy, just reach divine. feelsgoodman

                  Can't Buy Culture

                    play whatever u are comfy with


                      who needs versatility when you have visage

                      Lruce Bee

                        Too many blue stars these days

                        Potato Marshal

                          There are more divine posters here than herald-crusaders. Probably should go to Reddit if you want a bunch of 1ks who keep saying it's impossible to climb, then try to tell you your advice doesn't work in their bracket, and that their own shitty way of playing works there instead.


                            We know reddit is infested with cancer anyways, what do you expect?


                              ancient is a bracket for handicap people, just don't be another handicap and you'll climb easily, and ofc spam > versatility