General Discussion


SKILLS ARE NOT ACCURATE in General Discussion
mabasag sana pc mo detoor

    My friend MM in Normal skill but he's Legend 5 .. How does it happening ? kinda weird solo queue still normal skill rank game.


      Oh thats so mothafuckn weird! Call 911! Call Gaben! Call icefrog! Call Volvo


        BrokenDreams Mothafuckn smuft cant even reach VHS . LMAO .


          BrokenDreams 10 minutes ago
          Oh thats so mothafuckn weird! Call 911! Call Gaben! Call icefrog! Call Volvo

          Make new account useless herald .

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            He probably got Legend 5 by party MMR and is still Normal Skill for solo.

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Is it me or the SEA toxicity is pretty high on the forum these days?


                ah okay you got a point mate but as I observed even solo queue still in normal skill I played with him sometimes.


                  LMAO! Define Win Rate in your dellusional VHS.


                    BrokenDreams 4 minutes ago
                    LMAO! Define Win Rate in your dellusional VHS.

                    even you can have 100% of winrate you'll not experience how to play in VHS go back and play with herald and crusader badges LOL


                      deym wr didnt even reach fifTHY.


                        deym wr didnt even reach fifTHY.

                        3500k scrub VHS still better to 1k scrub normal skill player HAHAHAAHA


                          Theres definitely inaccuracy bet your VHS and your WR. High Skeel on Low Win rate.inaccurate.



                            you are probably one of the worst players i have ever seen

                            if you play SK jungle in 2018 you got to have sever braindamage or an IQ lower then 60. judging by your posts here its probably both

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              why is this place SEA quarantine now


                                Kezzzzzzzzz is the best playah. Like hes never been in a normal skeeeel..oops and his WR is accurate on his skeeel. And his Sand keeeeeng is kewl.🙊

                                mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                                  Don't want to talk to players cant even play invoker


                                    So you can play invoker? How about getting on top if your High Skeeeel and Win da game?


                                      A "L"on your last game playing invo? Is that what ur bragging? Ur in normal skeel. You think you can diss people in normal skeeel juat bcoz ur a high skeeel with a poor wr?

                                      Lruce Bee

                                        he is better than you

                                        Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                          life sucks

                                          mabasag sana pc mo detoor


                                            Please be good other option make new 100 account so you can improve your skill . NS sucks dude

                                            mabasag sana pc mo detoor


                                              I hate to say this but a 51 games still in normal skill will destroy your life . LMAO


                                                I dont aim for VHS. I aim to win. I think u need to win fornur poor winrate.lmao


                                                  That imbo needs report dude. U messed up the game.


                                                    Life in legend must be hard aye?

                                                    mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                                                      Don't limit yourself dude . Im not aiming for win I'm aiming to play with higher skill . Man you'll end up in 1k bracket .

                                                      mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                                                        Win/rate doesnt matter if you're uncalibrated I hope you know that .


                                                          Doesnt matter what my mmr will be. As long as im winning and im having fun the rest will follow. U dont diss on players with normal skill

                                                          mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                                                            Yeah I agreed man you have your own perspective and I have my own .. You can live your own life man. You are just being rude at first place.


                                                              Ok sorry my bad.peace on earth.

                                                              ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                BEING PROUD OF HIS VHS STATUS LULL

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                黑鬼 [我不好]

                                                                  Can we nuke South America along with South East Asia? Maybe Africa too...


                                                                    I'm Legend 2, but my solo mmr is actually in the Guardian-Archon bracket (which is precisely 1,3,) since I'm noob af.


                                                                      Back on original topic, i think you just jelly to your friend mate ;)

                                                                      mabasag sana pc mo detoor
                                                                        Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                                                        mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                                                                          I'm just curious how can he climb up a 2 stars just 1 month of playing 10 rank games also legend 5 but previous had a teamate crusader I guess becos of his normal skill .

                                                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                            Peace can never last too long
                                                                            WW3 coming soon monkaS