General Discussion

General DiscussionHow comes...

How comes... in General Discussion

    Who can explain how ban system is working? Couse ty ice ice baby(frog) for making dota so great?
    A simple player who doesnt feeds , who doesnt abadone games , who have 2x-3x more commends then reports gets the ban..
    as u may see in my screenshots there.. Who yes tilts in games but almost never starts the first just responding on it when just can hold it. And still get more commends..?


      *Sees Techies in game
      *Reports Techies

      *Feels good when a Techies player is banned

      Don't play techies, or if you do, don't complain about it


        so techies is in hero pull but its not allowed to be played this why u must get ban?XD


          u won't get banned for 1 game even if everyone reports u there needs to be a pattern so if u get like 8 reports in 2-3 matches u'll probably get banned
          btw no one wants a techies in their game it's an annoying hero by every means


            Oh, but your winrate with Tech is pretty high. And personally, I think you're pretty good. You should keep playing him so long as you gain mmr/it's making you have fun.

            Perhaps, did you trashtalk? Other people report players they think destroyed their match too so.. idk.

            The more commends you get by playing absolutely well in the game, the more reports you'll get from making someone drop a +25.

            You really shouldn't worry about it though. From my personal experience, I only get muted/LP when I really throw or trashtalk.

            Questo commento è stato modificato

              Did u get the 6 mos ban my friend? Ur stats look decent.try to mute everyone bcoz if u trashtalk it will trigger your bad aura and everything will be tilted.



                Lruce Bee

                  Techies is the reason.

                  Lruce Bee

                    Never flame anyone while playing techies. Never.

                    Lruce Bee

                      In all honesty I don't feel sorry for you. Spawn of Satan

                      ur parents r siblings

                        Rofl techies goy u banned duuud


                          There's a saying: The only player who has fun in a techies game is the techies player himself...
                          So u have an estimate of 9 reports incoming each game :|