General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurfdetection

Smurfdetection in General Discussion

    Sryl, how hard can it be to detect friggn smurfaccs.

    Im so sick of playing with turds like him, who just madfeed offlane and then go afk. Its just so annoying.

    In the end this twad gets the same chance to report someone, as a paying customer like I am, playing on his one and only acc.

    I get lp by pointing out the simple fact, that he is a smurf/acc buyer and clearly can not keep up the gamepace at the lvl he is currently playing.

    Game before that:

    2 games before that.

    Every 2. game there is some dude with below 300 games and he has

    a) 60-70% winrate and smashes everyone

    b) 40-48% winrate and sucks major cock

    Usually b) buys acc from a) and brings it down to that point.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    주 롄양

      no one said life is fair man


        [i]I pay monay i want more rights i want special treetmant i only want the enemy to be nabs and my teemaats to bee pro cause I pay monay[/i]
        that's what a snow flake would say ure missing the games that these people are ure enemies and feeding to u oh w8 but u don't care that's right cause u pay more money right?
        how about stop talking and start playing i bet that's why u get to LP in the first place


          Yes people buy dota accounts, 1 google search keeps you away from getting gud, buy divine one and ruin other people games, if you cant beat them, join them!


            I neither want them in the enemy team. I want well balanced games. I even posted a game where smurf was on enemy team. I do not want easy wins.

            Questo commento è stato modificato
            SASA POPOVIC

              "if wishes were horses, beggars would ride"

              I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                see you soon


                  Lol 5k is full of 6k smurfers too

                  Lruce Bee

                    the irony in your question on smurfdetection. is that you probably weren't able to detect a real a/c buyer. doesn't look like an ac buyer to me.. but i know i didnt play with the guy..

                    but people complaining about a/c buyers way too much when its just people having off games.