General Discussion

General DiscussionWHAT HERO SHOULD I SPAM NOW IN 7.13

WHAT HERO SHOULD I SPAM NOW IN 7.13 in General Discussion

    holy shit i just got 7 lose streak using visage i need new hero to spam. and i just dont know how to adopt to this fuckign current meta


      im like 50 mmr away from divine and now i got lose streak


        this is probably a silly question but what is it in 7.13 that hurt Visage so bad? ... how stats work? the tower/creep gold?

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          Status resistance


            Visage got put in a weird spot where it doesnt really profit from the 25% to int boni while Strength and Agi heroes got tankier (Strength: more hp, Agility: more armor). Plus taking down towers is not as rewarding as it used to be.

            boni top fan

              Visage isnt even a stat hero, sure u get less gold from pushing but who cares, you can end the game at 20 mins because you are ridiculously strong at early game unless a retarded guy picks retarded late game hero like aunti mage or droplet of water


                Centaur my brother

                SASA POPOVIC

                  ^ this, with how new strenght works, str heros sure lost status res but they got magic res, so they gonna be tanky as fuck, this bemefits cent especially, ban naix and yolo!


                    post 1/2 Visage is still baller, but i'd recommend Veno for a lane dominator that can go anywhere,
                    Or tusk as a position 4

                    65% 300+games on main acc veno, and the hero feels pretty strong this patch, lvl 20 right side talents is 2600 damage ulti aghs ulti (lasts 23 seconds, has 45 second downtime)

                    You can also play the 'spawn wards build' situationally vs melee heros.

                    The hero fits the 'deathball style', fits the 'Lane dominator' style, fits the 'self reliant hero' box. Pretty neat hero atm, got respect banned/first picked alot during DAC.

                    Lester, Moe

                      Something you can actually play good.


                        depend on what hero you good/ poisition you prefer
                        but if I suggest heroes thats can spam 2 win right now is

                        TB pos.1 [nuff said good at all state of game and is beast at pushing]
                        DP pos.1-2
                        Omni pos 3-4[he's cancer in unorganize pub]
                        SS pos 4[1 of the best support]


                          ^i dont think that tb will work out in 4k cuz its unoorganized. IMO the best pos 1 to spam is jugg cuz he have versatile builds and can siege towers

                          white boy summer

                            terror fucking blade.. climbed from legend 2 to legend 5 and there were no patches since forever where he wasnt something useful


                              underlord?safe early pick,great aura,can farm fast and safe with 1st skill in offlane,the only problem i have is when i pick early Underlord and someone picks safelane OD


                                ^clinkz, mk, jugg wrecks him




                                    ^i dont think that tb will work out in 4k cuz its unoorganized. IMO the best pos 1 to spam is jugg cuz he have versatile builds and can siege towers

                                    its work quite well due to its unorganized..
                                    all you need is farming some stats item (Eos/Manta/Dragonlance etc:) then get rid of all rack.
                                    unorganized party rarely pick chain combo heroes, so Sunder will alway comeout
                                    just ask for lane sitting and ward to prevent gank and you will be fine


                                      clinkz yeah,but jugg and mk,idk about that maybe with 2 supports?cuz i can just spam 1st skill and go to a safer spot,and hit them when i have enough damage from 3rd skill?idk but in my bracket i dont really see some good jugg that knows how to play in the laning stage

                                      boni top fan

                                        ^ehh i dont think that if you get zone out early and jugg or mk is 2 levels ahead of you, you wont be able to lane