General Discussion

General DiscussionOD laning tips

OD laning tips in General Discussion

    What tips do you recommend when OD is in the laning stage?

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    Story Time

      so far, you max 3 skill always, and then to decide between 1 and 2 skill apply a basic rule of thumb: melee enemy = 2 skill (prison), ranged enemy = 1 skill (orb)

      Items: double null is good, powerthreads are good, force stuff 9/10 times first big item.

      stupid fuck 2000

        if melee press Q on enemy, if not idk


          Drums rush is good, provides you with survivability and AS, and provides your team good early teamfight capabilities.

          In laning, with the recent stat changes, get a single point for astral at lvl 1, then alternate aura and 1st, try to get salve as ur first item after creep spawn, that way u can trade hits with enemy mid, then get null and another salve to zone the enemy out


            You probably need branches fire and double null or else it's a pain in the ass to last hit


              ^no need for branches fire just get quelling axe ez +7damage


                Lol iron branches synergyze with ur shared tangoes and faerie fire is for outplaying the enemy


                  If ur against a melee opponent u shud max orb after so u can trash him in lane
                  If ur against a hero who need to counter push or can't bully, then max astral


                    3 points in essence is already good considering this new attribute change

                    laning tips,i cant really give since i didnt play the hero often before
                    last time i play this guy was like 3 days ago and i was offlane od